Život brine o meni ❤️❤️❤️ Life takes care of me

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Veliki pozdrav svima i hive-u 🖐

Da se predstavim 🤗

Zovem se Dragana,živim u malom ali prelepom gradu Vršcu u Srbiji.Davne 1979.godine sam rodjena u Sloveniji u Kranju.

Big greetings to everyone and hive 🖐

Let me introduce myself 🤗

My name is Dragana, I live in the small but beautiful town of Vršac in Serbia. I was born in Kranj, Slovenia, back in 1979.


Vrlo sam jednostavna osoba, to je ono na šta sam ponosna.
Koračajući kroz život naučiš mnogo stvari o sebi,koliko si jak,sposoban,brižan,iskren....Onda u jednom momentu shvatiš,da najbolje učiš ukoliko si smiren🧘‍♀️
Onda ti ništa ne promiče.

I'm a very simple person, that's what I'm proud of.
Walking through life, you learn many things about yourself, how strong, capable, caring, honest you are... Then in one moment you realize that you learn best if you are calm🧘‍♀️
Then you don't miss anything


Sve što sam učila o sebi,bukvalno jureći kroz život🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️,prihvatila sam i vrednovala tek kad me je taj isti život naterao da zastanem i duboko udahnem.
Sada vodim jedan ispunjen,ali jednostavan i miran život.
Deo sam velike porodice i zato sebe smatram bogatom osobom 🤗.Svoje vreme provodim sa osobama koje volim i kuća mi je često puna dece,unuka,ljubimaca 🐈🐕🐈

Everything I learned about myself, literally rushing through life 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️, I accepted and valued only when that same life made me stop and take a deep breath.
Now I lead a fulfilling, but simple and peaceful life.
I am part of a big family and that's why I consider myself a rich person 🤗. I spend my time with the people I love and my house is often full of children, grandchildren, pets 🐈🐕🐈




Dakle...dani mi prolaze u graji i večitom zbivanju😉
sada je možda jasnije zašto je od značaja da ostanem smirena 🧘‍♀️😉😁
Lično,smatram uspehom što sam deo nečijeg polaska u školu...

So...my days are spent in a frenzy and eternal happenings😉
now maybe it's clearer why it's important to stay calm 🧘‍♀️😉😁
Personally, I consider it a success to be a part of someone's departure to school


nečije mature i žavršetka škole....
<someone's graduation and the buzz of school....



Ne propuštam treninge i nastupe plesa💃🥇🏆💃,fudbala⚽️

I don't miss trainings and dance performances💃🥇🏆💃, football⚽️



Slušam o teretani i vežbanju🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♂️,gledam basket⛹️‍♀️⛹️‍♂️

I hear about the gym and exercise🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♂️, I watch basketball⛹️‍♀️⛹️‍♂️



Pa stignem ja i da posetim farmu 🐄🐷🐎🐑🐐

Well, I can also visit the farm 🐄🐷🐎🐑



Ne propuštam rodjendane 🎂🥂,druženja,klizanje⛸,plivanje🏊‍♀️,i još mnogo, mnogo stvari...
<I don't miss birthdays 🎂🥂, socializing, skating⛸, swimming🏊‍♀️, and many, many more things...





Kažem vam,vrlo sam bogata😍
I takvo bogatstvo želim vam svima.
Na ovaj način življenja,život zaista brine o meni.Što više ljubavi dajem ,to me više ljubavi okružuje🙏

I'm telling you, I'm very rich😍
And I wish you all such wealth
<In this way of living, life really takes care of me. The more love I give, the more love surrounds me🙏

Prijateljica Ana, @vragolana me je zainteresovala za celu ovu priču o Hive platformi i pisanju. Ana je strastvena, kreativna, i vrlo brzo sam poželela i sama da postanem deo svega toga. Pošto sam skroz nova u Kripto svetu, u tome da što bolje razumem i shvatim Hive, kao i uopšteno šta je kripto i kako to sve radi, mi je pomogao i pomaže gospodin George, @getron i njegova supruga Maja, @obsesija.

Veliko hvala svima 👋👋
I veliki pozdrav svima👋👋👋

My friend Ana, @vragolana got me interested in this whole story about the Hive platform and writing. Ana is passionate, creative, and very quickly I wanted to become a part of it all myself. Since I am completely new to the Crypto world, Mr. George, @getron and his wife Maya, @obsesija, helped me and are still helping me to better understand and understand Hive, as well as in general what crypto is and how it all works.

A big thank you to everyone 👋👋
And a big greeting to everyone👋👋👋


@prudens dobrodošla na hive 🥰💗

Hvala 🤗


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