Da li Sam spremna za novo poglavlje u zivotu? Naravno da jesam⏩Am I ready for a new chapter in my life? Of course yes ⏩

in BANAT7 months ago (edited)

Zdravo !!!

Hello 👋👋👋👋

Zdravo svima 👋👋👋👋👋
Trenutno sam u Hrvatskoj,u gradu Pula🏝️🏖️⛱️ naravno bilo bi mnogo ,mnogo dobro da sam ovde samo kao turista na odmoru ali ne 😉 nisam....

Hello everyone 👋👋👋👋👋
I'm currently in Croatia, in the city of Pula🏝️🏖️⛱️ of course it would be very, very good if I was here only as a tourist on vacation, but no 😉 I'm not....


Ovde sam dospela zbog dobre poslovne ponude💸 ,mnogo je Nas takvih 😄 kako ovde u Puli tako na celom Hrvatskom primorju.
Licno meni je ovo prvi put,ovde sam vec tri meseca i moram priznati da sam zadovoljna 👊

I came here because of a good business offer💸, there are many of us like that 😄 both here in Pula and on the entire Croatian coast.
Personally, this is my first time, I've been here for three months and I have to admit that I'm satisfied 👊


Ovo je moja ekipa na poslu💪💯,bar deo nje
O cemu se radi,moja profesija (trenutno 🫣)je pizza majstor 🍕🍕,tako I dospeh ovde medju ove divne ljude iz raznih gradova Srbije..
Restoran u kom svi radimo zove se
"Fabrica" (nekada davno je u toj zgradi bila fabrika duvana),vlasnici su bracni par rodom iz Pule,Hrvatske,koji trenutno zive u Londonu

This is my team at work💪💯, at least part of it
What is it about, my profession (currently ) is a pizza maker 🍕🍕, that's how I ended up here among these wonderful people from various cities of Serbia..
The restaurant where we all work is called
"Fabrica" ​​(once upon a time there was a tobacco factory in that building), the owners are a couple from Pula, Croatia, who currently live in London


OVO je nasa "Fabrica"

This is our "Fabrica"





A OVO je moje biciklo 🚴🚴🚴
Zahvaljujuci kojem stignem do svakog dela Pule I okoline,obilazim plaze kojih je "milion",kampove,uvale ,sume I sumarke ,tvrdjave......
Mnogo dobrih prica sam dozivela ,divne I interesantne ljude upoznala....Ali naravno povezivanje sa prirodom je najbolje 😉

And THIS is my bike 🚴🚴🚴
Thanks to which I can reach every part of Pula and its surroundings, I visit the "million" beaches, campsites, coves, forests and groves, fortresses...
I experienced a lot of good stories, met wonderful and interesting people... But of course connecting with nature is the best 😉









Drago mi je da sam I pored posla uspela da pronadjem vremena za plazu,suncanje,za setnje ,obilaske interesantnih predela po Puli.Toliko toga ima da se vidi I pisacu Jos u narednim blogovima,jer sam zaista odusevljena ovim gradom 🤗🤗

I'm glad that in addition to work, I managed to find time for the beach, sunbathing, for walks, tours of interesting places in Pula. There is so much to see in this city, I'll ✍️ write about it in the next blogs, because I really love this city 🤗🤗



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