Ugradnja ambijentalnog osvetlenja u automobil-Installation of ambient lighting in the car

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Kao i sto sam naslov ovog posta kaze odlucio sam da ulepsam enterijer u svom automobilu i da ugradim ambijent osvetlenje. Na ideju sam dosao tako sto sam se vozio u jednom novijem automobilu gde vec fabricki postoji ovakvo osvetlenje i jako mi se svidelo kako izgleda nocu. Zapravo vecina novijih automobila u nekom jacem paketu opreme poseduje ambijentalno osvetlenje.
Naravno to mi je odmah dalo ideju da montiram i kod sebe i vec sledeci dan sam nasao na internetu takozvane opticke led trake i porucio ih.

As the title of this post says, I decided to beautify the interior of my car and install ambient lighting. I came up with the idea by driving in a newer car where there is already such lighting at the factory and I really liked what it looks like at night. In fact, most newer cars with a stronger equipment package have ambient lighting.
Of course, that immediately gave me the idea to mount at home, and the very next day I found the so-called optical ice strips on the Internet and ordered them.


Montaza se vrsi tako sto se na instrument tabli ili vratima nadju takozvani slicevi ili da nazovem kanalice u koje bukvalno umetnete led traku i na vecini mesta to drzi cvrsto dok se negde mora koristiti super lepak ili dvoslojna traka. Sve ovo zavisi od automobila do automobila vrste materijala ili tapacirunga na vratima.

Installation is done by finding so-called pictures on the instrument panel or door, or to name the channels in which you literally insert ice tape and in most places it holds firmly while somewhere you have to use super glue or two-layer tape. material or upholstery on the door.


Ja sam koristio super lepak gel jer je prakticniji za rad ne razliva se i jako se brzo susi, dovoljno je naneti jednu malu tackicu lepka na svaka 4 cm i pridrzati nekoliko sekundi i vec se zalepilo. Jedino sto se mora obratiti paznja da se sve lepo premeri da nebi ispalo krivo ili ne onako kako smo zamislili.

I used super glue gel because it is more practical to work, it does not spill and dries very quickly, it is enough to apply one small dot of glue every 4 cm and hold for a few seconds and it has already stuck. measure so that it does not turn out wrong or not as we imagined




Kao sto se vidi na slikama krenuo sam da postavljam traku tako sto sam krajnji deo trake zapravo poceo lepiti prvo da bi visak sakrio u instrument tabli a ujedno i da bi tu nasao plus i minus zice i spojio ih na trafo od trake. Naravno tu sam koristio unimer a gledao sam da to budu zice od od prekidaca za svetlo i da su pod naponom kada se da kontakt ili upali automobil.Kada se nadju zice skine se malko izolacija sa klestima za blankiranje, moze i skalperom, zatim se jednostavno povezu zice i izolira se izolir trakom. Moze i da se zalemi lemilicom radi boljeg kontakta ali nije neophodno. Evo sad par slika da vidite kako to izgleda nocu.

As you can see in the pictures, I started to install the tape so that I actually started gluing the end part of the tape first to hide the pendulum in the instrument panel and at the same time to find the plus and minus wires and connect them to the tape transformer. I used unimer and I made sure that they were wires from light switches and that they were live when I made contact or started the car. It can be soldered with a soldering iron for better contact, but it is not necessary. Here are a few pictures to see what it looks like at night.






Posto svakako nisam zavrsio posao do kraja jer ostala su mi vrata. A jednostavno nisam stigao sve da zavrsim danas jer kratak sam sa vremenom, to ostavljam za drugi post a onda ujedno da to sve uslikam iz raznih profila.

Since I certainly didn't finish the job because I still have the door. And I just didn't get to finish everything today because I'm short on time, I leave it for another post and then at the same time to take pictures of it from various profiles.


Pozdrav od Mrkija
Greetings from Mrki