Tombola u kafani-raffle in the tavern

in BANAT3 years ago

Retko kad idem u kafanu ali vikendom kad sam slobodan odem sa drugarom i to najvise zbog tombole.Ponekad se desi da ode celo drustvo i onda tu bude zezanja jer svakom od nas je potrebno malo opustanja od posla,a ujedno se tako i okupimo i druzimo. Nagrade su potpuno skromne i krecu se oko 50 evra po kolu, jedino bingo raste i obicno bude izvucen jednom godisnje i ta cifra je oko 10 000 evra.

Rarely do I go to a pub, but on weekends when I'm free I go with a friend, mostly because of the raffle. . The prizes are quite modest and range around 50 euros per round, only bingo grows and is usually drawn once a year and that figure is around 10,000 euros.



Svaki tiket ima 15 brojeva i pobednik je onaj kome prvom budu izvuceni ti brojevi i tad je samo potrebno da viknete dosta,dobar,moje ...ili sta vam vec padne na pamet i to zaista ima neku posebnu čar naracito kad cekate zadnji broj bez obzira kao sto sam napisao jer nagrade su zaista skromne.
Kao sto se vidi na slikama dodatno postojo i jenda velika tabla sa izvuvenim brojevima radi lakseg pracenja tiketa jer kao i u svakoj kafani buka je i moze lako da se desi da ne cujete koji broj je izasao.

Each ticket has 15 numbers and the winner is the one who gets the numbers first and then you just need to shout a lot, good, mine ... or whatever comes to mind and it really has a special charm, especially when you wait for the last number without no matter how I wrote because the rewards are really modest.
As you can see in the pictures, there is also a large board with drawn numbers for easier tracking of tickets, because as in any cafe, there is noise and it can easily happen that you do not hear which number came out.


Kad je tombola u pitanju tu imate razne uzraste igraca od starih osoba do mladih,čak dolaze i dame.

When it comes to raffle you have different ages of players from old to young, even ladies come.


Bez obzira na dobitak mi se uvek pocastimo sa nekim specijalitetom.A ponekad umemo da popijemo i koju vise.

Regardless of the gain, we always treat ourselves to a specialty. And sometimes we can drink more.

Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸


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