Tetoviranje ruke - Hand tattooing

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Za pocetak da napisem odakle uopste ljubav prema tetovazama.Mene je to privuklo zato sto daje jedan poseban smisao o svom karakteru i ima velicinu.Zato treba dobro razmisliti sta istetovirati jer to ipak ostaje za ceo zivot.Mnogi stavljaju svasta nesto ,neki se i pokaju ili posle prepravljaju ali u sustini postoji ljubav prema tome.Moj licni stav je da ne treba preterivati u tome jer vidjao sam likove koji su istetovirali 70% svoga tela.
Ja sam se odlucio na portret svog sina,njegovo ime i molitva i mislim da u tome nisam pogresio.

To begin with, I want to write about where the love for tattoos came from. I was attracted to it because it gives a special meaning to my character and has greatness. or later they remake but in essence there is a love for it. My personal view is that one should not exaggerate in this because I have seen characters who have tattooed 70% of their body.
I decided on a portrait of my son, his name and prayer and I don't think I was wrong.


Svidja mi se kako ispalo a nadam se i vama. Posto je bilo pitanje napraviti raspored da bi izgledalo sto bolje. Odmah da napisem da uopste nije tako bolno kao sto neki pricaju i da se dosta lako izdrzi bockanje. Malko vise boli kad se radi sencenje ali sasvim podnosljivo tako da ako se kojim slucajem dvoumite u vezi toga verujte mi da nema potrebe. Verujem da mnogo vise boli na primer na vratu,grudima... ali u mom slucaju nije tako. Vreme koje je bilo potrebno da se odradi portret je oko sat i po vremena,za ime sa slike oko pola sata i molitva nekih 45 minuta. Molitvu sam radio prosli vikend i desilo mi se da su se neka slova istanjila jer to ume da se desi u pricesu zarastanja i susenja tako da mi je Tatto majstor i to popravio drugi put kad sam dosao.

I like how it turned out and I hope you do too. Since it was a question of making a schedule to make it look as good as possible. Let me immediately write that it is not as painful as some say and that it is quite easy to endure the sting. It hurts a little more when it comes to shading, but it's quite bearable, so if you have any doubts about it, believe me, there's no need. I believe that it hurts a lot more, for example, on the neck, chest ... but in my case it is not so. The time it took to make the portrait is about an hour and a half, for the name from the picture about half an hour and a prayer for about 45 minutes. I did the prayer last weekend and it happened to me that some of the letters became thinner because it can happen in the process of healing and drying, so my Dad was a master and fixed it the second time I came.

Na vizit kartici se vidi upustvo odrzavanja tetovaze koje traje neke 2 nedelje i kojeg se potrebno pridrzavati da bi sve zaraslo kako treba.evo jos par slika da vidite kako to izgleda

On the business card you can see the instructions for maintaining a tattoo, which lasts for about 2 weeks and which must be followed in order for everything to heal properly. Here are a few more pictures to see what it looks like




Za kraj ovog posta slika vizit kartice.Da ne bude da reklamiram ali vrlo je i bitno otici na pravu adresu da bi bili zaista zadovoljni

At the end of this post, a picture of a business card. Not to advertise, but it is very important to go to the right address to be really satisfied


Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸


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