Secenje drva u hladnim danima - Cutting wood on cold days

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Kako nam je dosao veci minus postalo je dosta hladnije i drva se vise trose i samim tim mora se iseci jos drva.

As we got a bigger minus, it became much colder and the wood was consumed more, so more wood had to be cut.



Tako da se moralo krenuti u šumu ici u nabavku. A kad imate dobro drustvo onda to nista nije tesko jer pored posla tu je uvek dobro druzenje,upali se i rostilj i popije koja vise.

So we had to go to the forest to go shopping. And when you have good company, then nothing is difficult, because in addition to work, there is always good company, light a barbecue and drink more.



Odmah da napisem da se ovde vise vremena potrosi na druzenje i pripremu rostilja ali se svakako i zavrsi posao i tako nam prodje ceo jedan dan.

Let me immediately write that more time is spent here socializing and preparing barbecues, but the work is definitely done and so the whole day passes.



Rakija se šljiva pije i obicno do kraja dana bude i pijanih.

Plum brandy is drunk and usually drunk by the end of the day.


Pored lepog druzenja uvek se misli da se pomogne maksimalno tako da se drva i iscepaju.

In addition to nice company, it is always thought to help as much as possible by chopping wood and chopping.


A kad se sve zavrsi onda to izgleda ovako kao na poslednjoj slici i peć se dobro zalozi dok ne pocrveni šdediša od temperature.
Ovako izgleda jedan zimski dan proveden u selu.

And when it's all over, then it looks like the last picture and the oven is well stocked until the temperature turns red.
This is what a winter day spent in the village looks like.

Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸