Priprema za zimu na seoski nacin - Preparing for winter in a rural way

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Ispred nas je jos jedna duga i hladna zima a to znaci da treba pripremiti ogrev. Zato u danasnjem postu cu vam pokazati kako se ide u nabavku drva i kako izgleda jedan takav dan.

Another long and cold winter is ahead of us, which means that we need to prepare firewood. That is why in today's post I will show you how to buy wood and what such a day looks like.


Kao sto vidite na slikama potrebne su 3 stvari motorna testera,auto prikolica i automobil. Naravno pored svega ovoga potrebna je volja za rad i malo fizicke aktivnosti ali to je svakako zdravo za coveka jer se ide u prirodu, cist vazduh, daleko od grada i plus imate i avanturu jer samo putovanje po ataru poljkim putevima bude bas zanimljivo a pogotovo kad imate drustvo tada je druzenje zagarantovano. Uglavnom se seku drva po sabirnim kanalima jer to je svakako dozvoljeno i po zakonu a ujedno se ciste kanali da bi uvek bili cisti i prohodni u slucaju poplava. Jedino ume da bude malo nezgodno kad se se izvlace drva jer na pojedinim mestima kanal ume da bude poprilicno dubok zato je dobro kad imate drustvo.
Uglavnom se trazi da bude tvrdo drvo samim tim i kaloricno i da sto duze gori i drzi vatru. To je uglavnom bagrem ili magnura. Jedino se mora malo paziti kad sece jer ima bodlje.Uglavnom posao brzo bude gotov i mera je jedna auto prikolica u koju obicno stane od metar do metar i po drva ako se dobro slozi.Ako se nadje dobro mesto i ima sta da se sece onda zna da se odradi i koja tura vise. A uz dobro raspolozenje i drustvo upali se i neki rostilj.

As you can see in the pictures you need 3 things a chainsaw, a car trailer and a car. Of course, in addition to all this, you need the will to work and a little physical activity, but it is certainly healthy for a person because you go to nature, clean air, away from the city and plus you have adventure because just traveling through the fields is very interesting, especially when you have company then socializing is guaranteed. Mostly wood is cut through collecting canals because it is certainly allowed by law and at the same time the canals are cleaned to always be clean and passable in case of floods. It can only be a little awkward when pulling wood, because in some places the canal can be quite deep, so it's good when you have company.
It is generally required to be hardwood and therefore caloric and to burn and keep the fire as long as possible. It is mostly acacia or magnura. You just have to be a little careful when cutting because there are thorns. Usually the work is done quickly and the measure is a car trailer that usually fits from meter to meter and a half of wood if it fits well. If a good place is found and there is something to cut then he knows how to do it and which tour is more. And with a good mood and company, a barbecue is lit.


Na kraju to sve ovako izgleda:

In the end, it all looks like this:

Bukvalno odete par dana i uz malo fizicke aktivnosti i druzenje obezbedite drva za celu zimu.

You literally go for a couple of days and with a little physical activity and socializing provide wood for the whole winter.


Tako da zima moze slobodno da pocne.

So winter can begin freely.

Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸


Nice saw!! Man they look so nice on day 1! And you don't have to worry about them running properly for a while haha!

I recently bought a new saw😀

I see that! And you put it to work rite away!!

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