Pravljenje vrata na letnjikovcu - Making a door on a summer house

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Vec duze vreme sam razmisljao kako napraviti vrata a da ne budu skupa ,da lepo izgledaju i da budu prakticna.

I have been thinking for a long time about how to make a door without being expensive, looking nice and practical.


Naravno raspitivao sam se kod raznih majstora za cenu ali bilo mi je skupo jer pored toga sto je poskupio materijal poskupili su i majstori.
Tako da je jedino resenje bilo da se obratim drugarima koji su bili slobodni jer je danas bio drzavni praznik. I mogu vam reci da sam se prijatno iznenadio kako je na kraju sve ispalo cak sto vise prezadovoljan sam i nisam očekivao da ustvari nama i ne trebaju majstori.
Uzeli smo mere popisali smo sta nam treba od materijala , otisli sve to da kupimo i do kraja dana posao je bio gotov.

Of course, I inquired with various masters about the price, but it was expensive for me, because in addition to the fact that the material became more expensive, the masters also became more expensive.
So the only solution was to turn to friends who were free because today was a public holiday. And I can tell you that I was pleasantly surprised that in the end everything turned out as much as possible, I am very satisfied and I did not expect that we don't really need masters.
We took measures, listed what we needed from the materials, went to buy everything and by the end of the day the job was done.


Od materijala smo kupili 6 metalnih cevi 3x3 od 5 metara,4 cevi 1x1 od 5 metara, 9 šarki,pakovanje elektroda,kutiji samorezujucih srafova i 12 kvadrata brodskog poda.

From the material we bought 6 metal pipes 3x3 of 5 meters, 4 pipes 1x1 of 5 meters, 9 hinges, packing of electrodes, a box of self-tapping screws and 12 squares of ship floor


Ukratko da ne idem u detalje prvo smo napravili ramove , zatim smo ih postavili i zavarili na mesto gde ce da se montiraju i videli kako ce to sve da izgleda.

In short, not to go into details, we first made the frames, then we set them up and welded them to the place where they will be mounted and saw what it would all look like.


Onda smo ih skinuli i ubacili brodski pod na vec odredjene mere. Posto je ceo letnjikovac u etno stili iz tog razloga sam se i odlucio za brodski pod da izgleda lepse.

Then we took them off and put the ship's floor in for the already determined measures. Since the whole summer house is in ethno style, for that reason I decided on a boat floor to look more beautiful.


Ostalo je jos da se metalni delovi prefarbaju a drveni delovi da se premazu sandolinom. Nadam se da se i vama svidja

It remains to repaint the metal parts and coat the wooden parts with sandalwood. I hope you like it too

Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸