Park pod zastitom drzave-Park under state protection

in BANAT3 years ago

Park se nalazi u Velikom Gaju 30 km od Vrsca.Veoma je star potice jos od 18 veka i poznat je po tome sto u njemu postoji Ginko drvece koje je retko u evropi.Prica se da je ovde postojao i dvorac i da postoje tajni tuneli na brdu gde se nekad nalazio dvorac.

The park is located in Veliki Gaj, 30 km from Vrsac. It is very old and dates back to the 18th century and is famous for its Ginkgo trees, which are rare in Europe. It is said that there was a castle and secret tunnels. the hill where the castle once stood.





U parku se nalazi zapustena kafana koja je nekad radila punim kapacitetom cak postoje i sobe u potkrovlju u kojima ste mogli da prenocite.Kafana je izgradjena pocetkom 90-tih kada je u selu bilo mnogo vise stanovnika i sve je bilo puno zivota a trebala je i da se otvori drzavna granica da Rumunijom ali se to nikad nije desilo.Tako da je i samo selo sad poprilicno zapusteno i broji svega 300-400 stanovnika.

In the park there is an abandoned cafe that used to work at full capacity, there are even rooms in the attic where you could spend the night. The cafe was built in the early 90's when the village had many more inhabitants and everything was full of life to open the state border to Romania but it never happened. So the village itself is now quite deserted and has only 300-400 inhabitants.




Drvece je zaista veliko i bukvalno pada na zemlju od starosti pa se ne preporucuje ulazak u park kad je vetar.

The trees are really big and literally fall to the ground with age, so it is not recommended to enter the park when the wind is.



Priroda je prelepa kao i sto vidite na slikama i vazduh je cist tako da disete punim plucima.

Nature is beautiful as you can see in the pictures and the air is clean so you breathe with full lungs.


Za kraj bi dodao da park zaista zasluzuje da bude pod zastitom drzave jer to zasluzuje.
Dodjite da vidite i uverite se sami

Finally, I would add that the park really deserves to be under state protection because it deserves it.
Come and see for yourself

Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸