Etno kuca Dinar-Ethno house Dinar

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Kada je u pitanju dobra hrana i ambijent ovaj restoran svakako vredi spomenuti. Ja dosta cesto odem na rucak, ali narocito kad mi neko dodje u goste jer onda zaista budem dobar domacin i definitivno gostima to bude lepa uspomena jer pored raznih specijaliteta utisak svakako ostave razni sitni detalji ambijenta koji su svuda oko vas.

When it comes to good food and ambience, this restaurant is definitely worth mentioning. I often go to lunch, but especially when someone comes to visit me because then I'm really a good host and definitely a nice memory for guests because in addition to various specialties small details of the ambience that are all around you.




Ovom prilikom uzeli smo plato za dvoje,iako nas je bilo troje jer zaista sta god da se naruci porcije su velike i morate biti bas veliki gurman da bi to pojeli. A pored toga sta god da narucite ne mozete pogresiti jer sve je ukusno. Uz plato smo uzeli svakom po šopsku salatu i naravno pice dok dok smo sacekali da se spremi.

On this occasion, we took the plateau for two, although there were three of us because really whatever you order portions are large and you have to be a big gourmet to eat it. And besides, whatever you order you can not go wrong because everything is delicious. we took the plateau to each with a shopska salad and of course drinks while we waited for it to get ready.



Evo i par slika samog ambijenta jer zaista je sve u etno stilu i vidi se da je posveceno dosta vremena i truda da bi izgledalo sto lepse.

Here are a few pictures of the ambience itself, because everything is really in ethno style and you can see that a lot of time and effort has been dedicated to make it look as beautiful as possible.






Konobari su vrlo ljubazni i uvek su na raspolaganju.Da dodam da je uglavnom potrebna rezervacija.Razlog toga je sto je uvek puno.Pored svega ovoga cene su skroz korektne i nista se ne razlikuju od nekih drugih restorana po gradu

The waiters are very kind and always available. Let me add that mostly a reservation is needed. The reason is that it is always full. In addition to all this, the prices are completely correct and are no different from some other restaurants in the city.


Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸


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