Ukratko o mom rodnom gradu i lokalitetima koje trebate posetiti 🏙️ ~ Briefly about my hometown and places you should visit

in BANAT2 years ago

Grad Bor je jedan od dva najveća grada Timočke Krajine koja se nalazi na istočnom delu Srbije 🧭 Status grada, Bor je dobio 20. juna 2018. godine, do tada je bio opština. U Boru živi nešto iznad 40 hiljada stanovnika 👥 sa tim da se iz godine u godinu broj stanovnika smanjuje 🪫 zato što populacija odlazi u veće gradove. U poslednjih nekoliko godina, od kako su vlasti Srbije prodale većinski deo Borskog rudnika 💰 u Boru se pojavilo sve više strane populacije, pretežno su to Kinezi 🇨🇳

The city of Bor is one of the two largest cities in Timočka Krajina, which is located in the eastern part of Serbia 🧭 Bor received city status on June 20, 2018, until then it was a municipality. A little over 40,000 people live in Bor 👥 with the number of residents decreasing year by year 🪫 because the population is moving to bigger cities. In the last few years, since the Serbian authorities sold the majority of the Bor mine 💰 more and more foreign population has appeared in Bor, mostly Chinese 🇨🇳



Jedna od atrakcija i mesta koje ljudi uglavnom posećuju kada su u mom gradu je Borsko jezero koje se nalazi nedaleko od Brestovačke Banje koja takođe sa sobom vuče dugu istoriju 🏚️ s obzirom na to da je bila poznata još u Vizantijsko doba i da su za nju znali stari Rimljani, a takođe su je koristili i Turci. 🇹🇷 Na Borskom jezeru se nalazi hotel pod imenom Jezero 🏨 koji je takodje u vlasništvu Kineza od pre nekoliko godina. Jezero je lepo, održava se čistim, inače je veštačko i sa sobom vuče priču o kletvi koja sa sobom svake godine odnese jednu žrtvu, o tome ćemo u nekom narednom postu. ⚰️ ⏭️

One of the attractions and places that people mostly visit when they are in my city is Lake Bor, which is located not far from Brestovačka Banja, which also has a long history 🏚️ considering that it was known back in the Byzantine era and that it was known about the ancient Romans, and the Turks also used it. 🇹🇷 On Lake Bor there is a hotel called Jezero 🏨 which is also owned by the Chinese since a few years ago. The lake is beautiful, it is kept clean, otherwise it is artificial and carries with it the story of a curse that takes away one victim every year, we will talk about that in a future post.⚰️ ⏭️


Takođe još jedan lep lokalitet su Zlotske pećine i Lazarev kanjon 🏞️ koji se nalazi u istoimenom selu, Zlot koji je ujedno i mesto na kome sam proveo veći deo svog detinjstva 👶 Lazarev kanjon je najduži i najdublji kanjon istočne Srbije 🧭 zbog strmostii litica, ni dan danas nije u potpunosti ispitan. Osim prirode koja je prelepa u tom predelu postoje mnogobrojne vrste biljaka i životinja koje su specifične za taj predeo. 🌱🦇

Also another beautiful site are the Zlotske Pećine and Lazarus Canyon 🏞️located in the village of the same name, Zlot, which is also the place where I spent most of my childhood 👶 Lazarus Canyon is the longest and deepest canyon in Eastern Serbia 🧭 due to the steepness of the cliffs, it has not been fully explored even today. In addition to the beautiful nature in that area, there are numerous species of plants and animals that are specific to that area.


Pozdrav od Lazara 👋🏼

Greeting from Lazar 👋🏼


The place you live in is beautiful, I've visited it a couple of times, and I hope to visit it again soon. Post a few more pictures in a future post, to attract tourists to your city and to enjoy the beautiful nature.🤩🫶🏻

Thank you very much, I look forward and hope that you will visit my city again soon, I will post more pictures in the future, thanks for the advice 🤗💗