Priča o tome kako sam stekao najboljeg prijatelja za ceo život 🐶~ The story of how I got a best friend for life 🐶

in BANAT2 years ago

Sve je počelo pre mnogo godina, još kada sam bio mali 👶 oduvek sam želeo da imam nekog ljubimca, kao i svi ostali. Sta bih drugo i poželeo nego da imam psa 🐕ali kad god bih to spomenuo roditeljima 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 oni bi me odgovorili uz reči da to nije za mene, da sam još mali i da je to velika obaveza.

It all started many years ago, when I was little 👶 I always wanted to have a pet, like everyone else. What else would I want than to have a dog 🐕 but whenever I mentioned it to my parents 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦they would say that it's not for me, that I'm still young and that it's a big commitment.


Više puta su uspeli da me odgovore, dok avgusta pretprošle godine nisam odlučio samo da odem po malenog psa 🐶 sibirskog haskija i da ga samo donesem kući. Kupio sam je od druga koji je imao nekoliko komada 💵 to je bio period kada mu se ženka okotila i bilo je 4-5 komada, birao sam ženku sa plavim očima.👀 Od samog početka mi je bila najslađa, znao sam da moram da je imam i tako je i bilo. Odneo sam je kući, moji su u početku bili protiv toga totalno 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️ dok nisu došli do toga da je oni čuvaju i maze i igraju se sa njom. 🤗

They managed to answer me several times, until in August of the year before last, I decided to just go get a small dog 🐶 Siberian husky and just bring her home. I bought her from a friend who had several 💵 that was the period when his female gave birth and there were 4-5 pieces, I chose a female with blue eyes. 👀 From the very beginning she was the cutest, I knew I had to have her. I took her home, my parents were totally against it at first 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️ until they got to the point where they were taking care of her and petting her and playing with her. 🤗


Određeno vreme sam razmišljao kako da je nazovem, od samog početka je imala takav karakter da je bila živahna, pomalo agresivna, puna energije i uvek željna pažnje i igre. ▶️ Posle dugo razmišljanja nazvao sam je Rea, na tu ideju sam došao zato što je ovaj kraj pretežno Vlaški, a taj jezik je sličan Rumunskom, Rea na tom jeziku znači "teška" u smislu za saradnju i po osobinama, tako da je tako i dobila ime. Od samog početka smo joj posvećivali mnogo pažnje, spavala je sama ali nikada sa ugrađenim svetlom u garaži. 💡 Znala je da se budi noću po nekoliko puta, pa smo naizmenično ustajali da je uspavljujemo dok se nije navikla da spava celu noć. 💤 Jako brzo je porasla i postala velika, kako je rasla činilo mi se kao da me sve više razume i oseća kako se osećam, kao da je znala u svakom trenutku da me pročita. 📖

For some time I was thinking about what to call her, from the very beginning she had such a character that she was lively, a bit aggressive, full of energy and always eager for attention and play. ▶️ After thinking for a long time, I named her Rea, I came up with this idea because this region is predominantly Wallachian, and that language is similar to Romanian, Rea in that language means "difficult" in terms of cooperation and characteristics, so it is got a name. From the very beginning, we paid a lot of attention to her, she slept alone but never with the light off in the garage. 💡 She used to wake up several times at night, so we took turns getting up to put her to sleep until she got used to sleeping through the night. 💤 She grew up very quickly and became big, as she grew it seemed to me that she understood me more and more and felt how I felt, as if she knew how to read me at all times. 📖


Jako je pametna, pokušavao sam da je dresiram, išlo je dobro ali jedino što zna je da sedne, legne i zalaje hahah... 😅 Volim je jako i znam da me razume, žao mi je što zbog obaveza, posla i svega ne mogu da budem sa njom kao što sam pre mogao ali se trudim da je prošetam 🐕‍🦺 i da se igram sa njom kad god mogu. Ona je jako dobra, ne pravi nikakve gluposti, cipele nikada nije grizla 👟 samo ih je sakrila par puta ali baš kad je bila mala. Jednom je samo pobegla od kuće ali tada nisam bio tu, baba ju je pustila sa povodca i otišla je, nije je bilo kući čitavih 8 sati 🕣jako sam se zabrinuo, tražili smo je svuda, na kraju se sama vratila. 🔙

She is very smart, I tried to train her, it went well but the only thing she knows is to sit, lie down and bark hahah... 😅 I love her very much and I know she understands me, I'm sorry that I can't be with her because of obligations, work and everything as I used to be able to but I try to walk 🐕‍🦺 her and play with her whenever I can. She is very good, she doesn't do any stupid things, she never bit shoes 👟 she only hid them a couple of times, but just when she was little. Once she just ran away from home but I wasn't there then, grandma let her off the leash and she left, she wasn't home for 8 hours 🕣 I was very worried, we looked for her everywhere, in the end she came back by herself. 🔙


Navike se nikada ne menjaju, zato i dan danas voli da legne ispred tih vrata na tom stepeniku i tako da odmara. 💤 Oduvek volim pse, ali tek od kada imam nju sam shvatio da su psi zapravo najbolji prijatelji ljudima, i to je stvarno istina. 🤗

Habits never change, that's why even today he likes to lie down in front of that door on that step and rest like that. 💤 I've always loved dogs, but when I got her I realized that dogs are actually people's best friends, and it's really true. 🤗



Pozdrav od Lazara 💪

Greeting from Lazar 💪


Take care of your little friend, unfortunately they don't have a long lifespan. The dog sees you as the only friend and master, loves you immensely and only has you. Play with her as much as you can, pet her and talk to her, believe me, she understands everything💗

I am glad that you are here and that you understand how important all this is, I will try to be with her as much as possible, as long as she is destined to be with me. I hope it will be for many more years. I will take your advice. 💗

She's so cute. 😍

Dogs are truly special animals. They are not egotistical like cats. 😏
I am persuading my brother to buy a retriever for his son who has developmental disabilities.
Animals have therapeutic power in contact with children. 💙

Kratka ali lepa priča, iskrena. 👍

Thanks 🥰

I totally agree with that, dogs have a strong therapeutic effect, everyone should have a dog, they have a positive effect on people. 🤗

Hvala puno, pozdravv 👋🏼