Noć kao pokretač naših razmišljanja i buđenje naših strahova 🌑 The night as the driver of our thoughts and the awakening of our fears 🌑

in BANAT2 years ago

Kasna noć, vreme kada bi u normalnim uslovima bilo spavati, koristiti to vreme za odmor. No iz nekih razloga dešava se da nam nekada nešto ne da mira sa spavamo, duša nije mirna. 🛑 U takvim trenucima šta bismo drugo uradili nego preispitali svoje odluke i postupke u poslednjem vremenskom periodu. ❔

Late night, the time when under normal conditions you would sleep, use that time for rest. But for some reasons it happens that sometimes something does not give us peace when we sleep, the soul is not at peace. 🛑 In such moments, what else would we do but reconsider our decisions and actions in the last period of time. ❔


Upravo uslikana slika inače ne bi ličila ni na sta, ali sada jako podseća na čoveka koji pognutih ramena stoji naslonjen na nešto i razmišlja. O čemu li taj čovek razmišlja, šta li je to što ga toliko muči, koji su njegovi problemi? 🤔

The picture just taken would not otherwise resemble anything, but now it strongly resembles a man who is leaning on something with hunched shoulders and thinking. What is that man thinking about, what is it that bothers him so much, what are his problems? 🤔


Oduvek bismo se trudili da noću ne izlazimo napolje, jer nikad ne znamo šta i ko nas vreba, kao mali bismo samo danju bili slobodni. 🆓 Kako vreme odmiće shvatamo da je ustvari noć jedna velika sloboda, noću se bukvalno može čuti tišina. Taj vetar koji ljulja sve pred sobom, pogotovo u ovako hladnim periodima, to je ono što je zapravo lepo. 🕥 Iako se zapravo ništa i ne može videti, to se oseti, ta lakoća u duši kada nema gužve, kada je sve tiho, svuda je mir. ☮️

We would always try not to go outside at night, because we never know what and who is lurking, as children we would only be free during the day. 🆓 As time goes on, we realize that the night is actually one great freedom, at night you can literally hear the silence. That wind that sways everything in front of it, especially in such cold periods, that is what is actually beautiful. 🕥 Although you can't actually see anything, you can feel it, that lightness in the soul when there is no crowd, when everything is quiet, there is peace everywhere. ☮️


Ta činjenica da svako legne uveče da spava sa tolikom lakoćom, kao da zna da će se sutra sigurno probuditi, a ustvari nam na ovom svetu ništa nije garantovano, pa čak ni to. 🙅‍♂️ Ponekada volim da tako ostanem budan ili barem mislim da volim, a ustvari mi nešto ne da mira da spavam. Um nikada ne spava, stalno je budan i traži nešto, u ovako kasnim trenucima traži grešku, u ponašanju, razmišljanju, odlukama. 👎

The fact that everyone goes to sleep at night with such ease, as if they know that they will surely wake up tomorrow, and in fact nothing is guaranteed to us in this world, not even that. 🙅‍♂️ Sometimes I like to stay awake like that, or at least I think I like it, but actually something doesn't give me the peace to sleep. The mind never sleeps, it is constantly awake and looking for something, at these late moments it looks for mistakes in behavior, thinking, decisions. 👎


Ima li života negde drugde osim na Zemlji, je li moguće da smo jedini i da nigde drugde ne postoji ništa osim nas. 🤔 Jak stav i um se stiču vremenom ali ne ponekada potrebno dozvoliti sebi oduška, ovakvim ostajanjem do kasno i pustiti da um sam sam stvara priče. 📰

Is there life elsewhere than on Earth, is it possible that we are the only ones and that there is nothing else but us. 🤔 A strong attitude and mind are acquired over time, but sometimes it is necessary to allow yourself a breather, by staying up late like this and letting your mind create stories by itself. 📰


Pozdrav od Lazara 🌑

Greeting from Lazar 🌑


Kudos to the inspiration, as you described the image in the heat, that's how I saw it too. Overthinking can really disturb a person, you have to get rid of it 😉

Thank you very much, sometimes loneliness makes me overthink, I'm trying to get rid of it and I'm succeeding slowly 🤗