Lov, sve čari koje nosi život lovca i priča o tome kako sam zapravo postao jedan od njih 🏕️ ~ Hunting, all the charms of a hunter's life and the story of how I actually became one of them 🏕️

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Oduvek sam bio aktivno dete, željno adrenalina, željno da mi svaki dan bude ispunjen, zanimljiv, zabavan, pun dešavanja, pun života. 🧬 Od malena sam pronalazio sebe u mnogo sportova, započinjao mnoge stvari, pronalazio se u mnogima od njih, ubrzo nakon toga odustajao i nastavljao na neke druge, bio sam željan promene i zato sam uvek nastavljao i eksperimentisao. 👨‍🔬

I have always been an active child, eager for adrenaline, eager for every day to be fulfilling, interesting, fun, full of events, full of life. 🧬 Since I was little, I found myself in many sports, started many things, found myself in many of them, soon after that gave up and continued to some others, I was eager for change and that's why I always continued and experimented. 👨‍🔬


U svet lova me je jednom prilikom primamio moj najbolji drug Milan, o kome ću biti više reči u budućnosti. 👥 To se desilo pre dve godine, on je jednom prilikom išao u lov, na čeku. Pozvao me je da mu pravim društvo, on je imao postavljene akcione kamere koje snimaju foto i video zapis na svaki pokret, inače kamere rade na principu senzora. 📸 Poslao je poruku na broj kamere da bi mu stigla slika sa terena, da bismo znali ima li nečega u terenu, ali na žalost iz nekog razloga nije htela poruka da se posalje. 📵

I was once lured into the world of hunting by my best friend Milan, about whom I will talk more in the future. 👥 That happened two years ago, he once went hunting, on a check. He invited me to keep him company, he had set up action cameras that record photos and videos of every movement, otherwise the cameras work on the principle of sensors. 📸 He sent a message to the camera number to get a picture from the field, so that we would know if there is anything in the field, but unfortunately for some reason the message did not want to be sent. 📵


Istog trenutka kada smo stigli čuli smo groktanje divljih svinja, znali smo da su tu, ja tada nisam imao oružje, Milan je imao lovački karabin i noćnu optiku za lov sa nazivom Pard NV007. 🌑 Rekao mi je da budem tih, istog momenta je srce počelo jako da mi kuca, uzbudio sam se, adrenalin me je radio jako, znao sam da je to to. ⚡ Milan je tada pucao, iz ležećeg položaja, nažalost promašio je, ostatak večeri smo proveli u kućici napravljenoj na nekih 5 metara iznad zemlje. Tog momenta sam shvatio da želim da postanem lovac. 🔫

At the same moment when we arrived we heard the grunting of wild boars, we knew they were there, I didn't have a weapon then, Milan had a hunting carbine and night optics for hunting called Pard NV007. 🌑 He told me to be quiet, at the same moment my heart started beating hard, I got excited, the adrenaline was working hard, I knew this was it. ⚡ Milan then shot, from a lying position, unfortunately he missed, we spent the rest of the night in a house built 5 meters above the ground. At that moment I realized that I wanted to become a hunter. 🔫


Od tog trenutka počinje moja priča, nabavljanja opreme, odela, informisanja o tome kako doći do oružja, upoznavanja ljudi koji su u tom delu lovci. Pretežno se lovi u Zlotu, s obzirom na to da Zlot ima bogate terene što se tiče prirode.⛰️
O stvarima koje su me zanimale uvek sam želeo da znam sve, tako je i sa ovim bilo, sve sam moguće u najkraćem roku obavio, kupio odelo, išao na obuku, izvadio potrebna dokumenta iz MUP-a. 👮‍♂️🚨

From that moment, my story begins, acquiring equipment, suits, information on how to get weapons, meeting people who are hunters in that area. It is mostly hunted in Zlot, considering that Zlot has rich terrains in terms of nature.⛰️
I always wanted to know everything about the things that interested me, and it was the same with this, I did everything possible in the shortest possible time, bought a suit, went to training, took out the necessary documents from the MUP. 👮‍♂️🚨


Mesecima 🗓️ sam u lov išao bez oružja, vodio pse, upoznavao teren, nekoliko meseci je trebalo da dodjem do svog oružja, dozvole, da dobijem određenu dokumentaciju. 📄 Nakon što sam dobio potrebna dokumenta, oružani list prvo je bilo bitno da nabavim lovačku pušku, našao sam je u mestu koje se zove Grljan, nedaleko od Zaječara koji se nalazi na 20-ak kilometara od Bora. Obavili smo formalnosti i tada je bio prvi deo gotov. ✔️

For months 🗓️ I went hunting without a weapon, led the dogs, got to know the terrain, it took several months to get my weapon, permit, to get certain documentation. 📄 After I received the necessary documents, the armed list, it was first important to get a hunting rifle, I found it in a place called Grljan, not far from Zaječar, which is about 20 kilometers from Bor. We completed the formalities and then the first part was finished. ✔️


Nakon toga je bilo potrebno da kupim lovački karabin, takođe i optiku za isti, karabin sam tražio mesecima. 🗓️ Ili su bili preskupi ili su bili predaleko pa mi se put ne bi isplatio jer ne bih mogao preko slika da procenim da li je stanje puške dobro, odnosno cev. Nabavio sam na kraju i Karabin ni manje ni više nego iz Bora, nekom čoveku je preminuo deda, a onda pošto on nije imao dozvolu za oružje policija mu je oduzela pušku i dala rok do koga može da je proda ili će je odneti na uništenje. 🚫 Imao sam sreću, ubrzo nakon toga sam pronašao i snajpersku optiku tako da sam svoj put do postajanja lovca završio u nepunih godinu dana. 💯

After that, I needed to buy a hunting carbine, as well as optics for the same, I've been looking for a carbine for months. 🗓️ Either they were too expensive or they were too far, so the trip wouldn't be worth it because I wouldn't be able to judge from the pictures whether the condition of the rifle is good, that is, the barrel. In the end, I got a carbine no less than from Bor, a man's grandfather died, and then since he didn't have a license for weapons, the police confiscated his rifle and gave him a deadline by which he could sell it or it would be destroyed. 🚫 I was lucky, soon after that I found sniper optics, so I completed my journey to becoming a hunter in less than a year. 💯


Tada je ustvari moj put tek počeo, pored lova, to je jedno prelepo druženje sa ljudima koji dele ista interesovanja, nije stvar u ubijanju životinja. 👎 Mnogi ljudi koji čuju o lovu, misleće da smo ubice samo i to je to... Ovo je nešto više od toga, lovci pre svega čuvaju životinje od predatora poput vukova, lisica, šakala. 🐺🦊 Takođe, genetika životinja se poboljšava znatno odstranjivanjem nezdravih ili loše genetski razvijenih pojedinaca. ✔️ I kao zajednica se borimo za to da tako i bude.

That's when my journey actually just began, besides hunting, it's a beautiful gathering with people who share the same interests, it's not about killing animals. 👎 Many people who hear about hunting, will think that we are only killers and that's it... This is something more than that, hunters primarily protect animals from predators such as wolves, foxes, jackals. 🐺🦊 Also, the genetics of animals is significantly improved by removing unhealthy or poorly genetically developed individuals. ✔️ And as a community, we are fighting for it to be so.


Oko svoje kuće u Zlotu imam dosta divljih životinja koje čuvam, hranim, i brinem se o njima naravno vodeći računa da nemam fizički kontakt sa njima kako bi one što više ostale netaknute. 🦌 Svinjska kuga i dalje vlada u mom kraju tako da nam je trenutno zadatak takav da odstrelimo sve zaražene životinje kojih ima u terenu, nadam se da ćemo uspeti da tako spasimo ostale da prežive, nadamo se najboljem.

Around my house in Zlot, I have a lot of wild animals that I keep, feed, and take care of them, of course, taking care not to have physical contact with them so that they remain untouched as much as possible. 🦌 Swine fever still reigns in my area, so our current task is to shoot all the infected animals in the field, I hope that we will be able to save the rest so they can survive, let's hope for the best.🤞


Pozdrav od Lazara 💥

Greeting from Lazar 💥


Well done, what you are doing is even a good deed for the rest of the animals that live in that area. I hope you succeed in what you do.👏🏻

I try to keep a balance in all of this, I hope we can fight for good things, thank you very much 🤗