Jedno putovanje koje će ostati u srcu zato što je sa najvoljenijom osobom 💗🥰 One trip that will remain in the heart because it is with the most beloved 💗

in BANAT2 years ago

Sve je počelo pre možda nedelju dana, kada je moju devojku kontaktirao 📲 jedan poznati fitnes trener koji ne ujedno i fotograf i bavi se sa još puno stvari. 📷 Pošto je ona bila na poslu poslala mi je sve i rekla da proučim i prenesem joj sve detaljno. 🗣️

It all started maybe a week ago, when my girlfriend was contacted 📲 by a famous fitness trainer who is not only a photographer but also deals with many other things. 📷 Since she was at work, she sent me everything and told me to study and convey everything to her in detail. 🗣️


Nakon što sam joj objasnio o čemu se radi ona je umedjuvremenu sama proučila sve to i onda smo imali jedan razgovor i sumirali smo utiske i doneli odluku. ☑️ Kao neko ko je od samog početka podržava u svemu, uvideo sam da je to možda prilika koja se jednom u životu dobija, pokušao sam da joj objasnim otprilike koliko bi to njoj pomoglo, svakako je i bez mog razgovora bila jako uzbuđena. 😁

After I explained to her what it was about, in the meantime she studied it all herself and then we had a conversation and we summarized our impressions and made a decision. ☑️ As someone who has supported her in everything from the very beginning, I saw that it might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I tried to explain to her how much it would help her, she was certainly very excited even without my conversation. 😁


Dogovor je bio da zajedno odemo autobusom, ali su se okolnosti promenile pa smo na kraju otišli kolima. 🚗 Tražili smo smeštaj negde u blizini Mladenova (koje se nalazi otprilike 200 kilometara od Vršca), pošto nismo uspeli da nađemo ništa tamo, prvo najbliže mesto je bilo Bačka Palanka. 🌇
Tamo smo rezervisali smeštaj dan pred polazak i već smo uveliko počeli da budemo nestrpljivi i uzbuđeni jer putujemo zajedno 🙈 🛄

The agreement was to go together by bus, but circumstances changed, so we ended up going by car. 🚗 We were looking for accommodation somewhere near Mladenovo (which is approximately 200 kilometers from Vršac), since we couldn't find anything there, the first closest place was Bačka Palanka. 🌇
We booked accommodation there the day before departure and we are already starting to get impatient and excited because we are traveling together 🙈 🛄

(Tačka A je Bačka Palanka, a tačka B je Mladenovo)

Ona je uveče otišla da radi treću smenu, a ja ostao da pogledam neki film i legao da spavam. 😴 Došla je ujutru sa posla, okupala se, sredila i spakovala stvari, legla malo da odmori i ubrzo nakon toga je već bilo vreme da se ustane. 🆙☀️ Krenuli smo oko 10 sati, sunce je sijalo🌤️ ali je bilo hladno. Ona je skoro ceo put spavala jer je bila jako umorna, a ja sam uz muziku, pevanje i njeno društvo uživao, iako je spavala, bila je prelepa. 😍 Većinu puta sam je proveravao da vidim da li spava. 🥰

She went to work the third shift in the evening, and I stayed to watch a movie and lay down to sleep. 😴 She came home from work in the morning, took a bath, tidied up and packed her things, laid down to rest for a while and soon after that it was time to get up. 🆙☀️ We left around 10 o'clock, the sun was shining 🌤️ but it was cold. She slept almost the whole way because she was very tired, and I enjoyed the music, singing and her company, even though she was sleeping, she was beautiful. 😍 I checked on her most of the times to see if she was sleeping. 🥰

Otprilike smo u Bačku Palanku stigli pre 14h malo smo prošetali otišli do prodavnice i ubrzo nakon toga otišli u smeštaj i raspakovali se. 📦🧳 Smeštaj je bio jedan od lepših u kojima smo ikada bili, sve je bilo novo, slatko, bas kao za jedan ljubavni par, sve je bilo savršeno. 😁 Ona je odmah počela da se sprema i ubrzo nakon toga smo pošli za Mladenovo. 🚙

We arrived in Bačka Palanka before 2:00 p.m., walked a bit, went to the store and soon after that went to the accommodation and unpacked. 📦🧳 The accommodation was one of the most beautiful we have ever been in, everything was new, sweet, just like for a couple in love, everything was perfect. 😁 She immediately started getting ready and soon after that we left for Mladenovo. 🚙


Stigli smo tamo, ubrzo nakon toga upoznali se sa tim čovekom, koji nas je jako lepo dočekao uz topao čaj 🍵 neko voće 🍊🍌 i nakon toga čak i neka peciva 🥖 Upoznali smo se bolje sa celom pričom, shvatili da je to ustvari čak i bolje nego što je zvučalo prvog puta. 😂 Bili smo presrećni, pogotovo ona, to je bio jedan od jako lepih trenutaka videti nekoga koga volim da je jako srećan. 🥰

We arrived there, soon after that we met that man, who welcomed us very nicely with hot tea 🍵 some fruit 🍊🍌 and after that even some pastries 🥖 We got to know the whole story better, realized that it was actually even better than it sounded the first time. 😂 We were so happy, especially her, it was one of the most beautiful moments to see someone I love so happy. 🥰


Tog trenutka je počela njena priča, odradila je intervju koji je po mom mišljenju bio jako dobar, kao da ih ima svakoga dana, ponela se jako profesionalno. 🎥 Nakon toga je usledio šuting u nekoliko kombinacija, pa se presvlačila par puta, pa ju je onda snimao za predstavljanje, sve ne prošlo u najboljem redu.😅 Koliko je bila umorna govori i činjenica da smo tamo bili od 15h do 00. 🥱 U povratku za smeštaj smo pričali o svemu i sumirali utiske. Ostao sam iznenađen koliko joj dobro ide, to je bio prvi put da sam je video kako pozira, bio sam siguran da je to njen poziv, to je to, prilika koja se ne propušta. ⛔

At that moment, her story began, she did an interview which, in my opinion, was very good, as if there were interviews every day, she behaved very professionally. 🎥 After that, there was a shooting in several combinations, so she changed a few times, and then he filmed her for the presentation, everything went well. 😅 How tired she was is also shown by the fact that we were there from 3 p.m. to 00. 🥱 In On the way back to the accommodation, we talked about everything and summarized our impressions. I was surprised how well she was doing, it was the first time I had seen her pose, I was sure it was her calling, that was it, an opportunity not to be missed. ⛔


Nakon povratka u apartman okupala se dok sa ja spremio hranu, no toliko je bila umorna da se uspavala pa sam je morao probutidi i bukvalno hraniti u krevetu, kao bebu, jer inače ne bi jela. 🥰🛌 To je bilo preslatko, nakon toga sam ja jeo, okupao se i ušuškali smo se jedno pored drugog i zaspali tako. 💤 Sutradan smo na silu nekako ustali, sredili stan i krenuli nazad, posto nikada nisam bio u Novom Sadu, želeo sam da svratimo na kratko. 🌇 Grad je prelep, obišli smo crkvu Imena Marijinog i prošetali smo malo oko nje. Usput smo jeli kokice 🍿 sladoled (u sred zime) 🍦🥶 i uslikali se na par mesta. U povratku do auta smo kupili picu koja je bila izuzetno dobra, i pošli smo nazad. 🥰

After returning to the apartment, she bathed while I prepared food, but she was so tired that she fell asleep, so I had to wake her up and literally feed her in bed, like a baby, because otherwise she wouldn't eat. 🥰🛌 That was adorable, after that I ate, took a bath and we snuggled next to each other and fell asleep like that. 💤 The next day we somehow got up, cleaned up the apartment and headed back, since I've never been to Novi Sad, I wanted to stop by for a while. 🌇 The city is beautiful, we visited the Church of the Name of Mary and we walked a little around it. Along the way, we ate popcorn 🍿 ice cream (in the middle of winter) 🍦🥶 and took pictures in a few places. On the way back to the car, we bought a pizza that was extremely good, and we went back. 🥰


Ona je odmarama a ja žurio da stignemo što pre, imao sam u planu da svratimo na klizalište što smo i uradili. ⛸️ Time smo upotpunili veče i zaokružili ceo doživljaj. 🥱 Već jako umoran, došao sam na ideju da joj kupim cvet, rekao sam joj da idem da dignem novac da bih sipao gorivo i kupio da jedem, parkirao se u mraku negde, izašao i vratio se sa cvetom i čokoladicom 🌹🍫 bila je presrećna, tako da smo tada zvanično bili spremni da odemo kući. 🏠 Otišli smo kući i odmorili se, podelili utiske sa ostalima i tako se završilo naše malo putovanje, bilo je prelepo. Na kraju da a sam shvatio da svakome treba neko ko ce ga podržati u svakom momentu, to je i njoj bilo potrebno, ali sada kad ima mene, nikada više neće imati problema. 🥰💗

She was resting and I was in a hurry to get there as soon as possible, I had planned to stop by the ice rink, which we did. ⛸️ With that, we completed the evening and rounded off the whole experience. 🥱 Already very tired, I came up with the idea to buy her a flower, I told her I was going to withdraw money to fill up gas and buy something to eat, I parked in the dark somewhere, got out and came back with a flower and a chocolate bar 🌹🍫 she was overjoyed , so we were officially ready to go home then. 🏠 We went home and rested, shared our impressions with others and that's how our little trip ended, it was beautiful. In the end, I realized that everyone needs someone who will support them in every moment, she needed that too, but now that she has me, she will never have problems. 🥰💗


Pozdrav od Lazara 👋

Greeting from Lazar 👋



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I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

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Beautiful, I read it with a smile on my face, thank you for existing and for writing about our day. 💗

I am so happy that this story made you smile, thank you for every beautiful moment, you are my inspiration, I love you 💗