Seosko domaćinstvo bogato životinjama - Rural household rich in animals

in BANAT3 years ago


Community: Wednesday Walk
Topic: Make me Smile Collaboration Challenge by: @tattoodjay

Danas sam sa porodicom otisla na selo na par sati.Tamo živi moja mama.Ona ima dosta godina ali još uvek puno radi.Uzgaja puno životinja,sad u manjem broju nego ranije ali još uvek se tamo deca osećaju kao u zoo vrtu.
Ovo su bikovi.

Today I went to the village with my family for a couple of hours. My mother lives there. She is many years old but she still works a lot. She raises a lot of animals, now in smaller numbers than before, but the children still feel like they are in a zoo.
These are bulls.



Krava koju muze i daje joj ukusno mleko koje i mi pijemo ne kupujemo u radnji,i takodje pravi sir i kačkavalj.

The cow she milks and gives her delicious milk that we also drink is not bought in the shop, and she also makes cheese and cheese.


Njene ovce i malo jagnje koje je staro 2 dana.

Her sheep and a little lamb that is 2 days old.



Ovo su patke i kokoške bez koje ne može da bude ni jedno domaćinstvo na selu.

These are ducks and chickens that no household in the countryside can live without.



I naravno mace i kuce od kojih se deca tamo ne odvajaju.

And of course kittens and dogs from which children are not separated there.




Ovoliko za danas od mene.

So much for today from me.

Pozdrav od vaše Dorike

Greetings from your Dorika


I bet it must have felt like a zoo fir the children your mum sure has a lot on her farm

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)