Topli letnji dan - A warm summer day

in BANAT2 years ago




Bela Crkva u Južnom Banatu bogata je vodotocima i jezerima. Danas u nedelju, 24.jula 2022. Na 37°C jednom od najtoplijih dana u godini uživao sam u modro zelenoj vodi “Šljunkare”.



Jezera oko Bele Crkve su rasuta kao biseri. Ima ih sedam i nastali su kopanjem šljunka. Eksploatacija je počela 1904. godine za industrijske potrebe. Posle drugog svetskog rata eksploatacija šljunka je bila intezivna. Od šljunka koji je kopan u okolini Bele Crkve pravljeni su putevi i pruge širom tadašnje Jugoslavije. Jezera koja su nastala iskopavanjem šljunka, danas su naše – “Banatsko more”. Puno turista i kupača uživaju u letnjim čarolijama na : Gradskom jezeru, Vračevgajskom, Šaranskom i Šljunkari. Druga jezera nisu prilagođena za kupače i njih koriste ronioci i pecaroši.



Spadam u one koji obožavaju vodu i leto. Počinjem da plivam krajem maja na vršačkom Gradskom jezeru. Svakodnevno preplivam oko 3000 m. Danas sam odlučio da plivam na “Šljunkari” mom omiljenom jezeru u Beloj Crkvi. Šljunkara od svih belocrkvanskih jezera ima najlepšu boju vode i prelepo okruženje. Bogata je biljnim i životinjskim svetom. Na jezeru ima labudova, kormorana, čaplji... vode jezera bogate su ribom. Ono što čini ovo jezero posebnim jesu izvori vode. Voda na pojedinim mestima gde izvire može da se pije.


Na sred jezera postoje dva spruda na koji plivači odlaze da se odmore i uživaju u vodi. Ja sam danas preplivao jezero uzduž i popreko. Plivao sa labudovima i kormoranima. Gledao kako kormorani love ribu. Jedan je izvadio velikog amura koga nije uspeo da proguta, ali zato sitni somovi i bela riba su završavali u njihovim kljunovima. Uživao sam u vodi i ovom vrelom danu.



Život ne može da stane!



Bela Crkva in South Banat is rich in watercourses and lakes. Today, Sunday, July 24, 2022. At 37°C, one of the hottest days of the year, I enjoyed the blue-green water of "Sljunkara". The lakes around Bela Crkva are scattered like pearls. There are seven of them and they were created by digging gravel. Exploitation began in 1904 for industrial purposes. After the Second World War, the exploitation of gravel was intensive. Roads and railways were built from the gravel that was mined in the surroundings of Bela Crkva throughout Yugoslavia at the time. The lakes that were created by digging gravel are ours today - the "Banat Sea". Lots of tourists and swimmers enjoy the summer magic at: Lake Grad, Lake Vračevgaj, Šaransko and Šljunkara. Other lakes are not suitable for swimmers and are used by divers and fishermen.


I belong to those who adore water and summer. I start swimming at the end of May at Vrsac City Lake. I swim about 3000 m every day. Today I decided to swim at "Sljunkara", my favorite lake in Bela Crkva. Of all the lakes in Belocrva, Šljunkara has the most beautiful water color and beautiful surroundings. It is rich in flora and fauna. There are swans, cormorants, herons on the lake... the waters of the lake are rich in fish. What makes this lake special are the water sources. Water can be drunk in some places where it springs. In the middle of the lake there are two banks where swimmers go to rest and enjoy the water.


I swam across the lake today. He swam with swans and cormorants. Watched cormorants catch fish. One of them took out a large grass carp that he was unable to swallow, but small catfish and white fish ended up in their beaks. I enjoyed the water and this hot day. Life can't stop!

Život ne može da stane.


That is a nice lake, I am sure swimming here can bring some refreshment in these temperatures.

Btw, welcome to Hive, I wish you a lot of new hive friends and fun! Enjoy the path!! :)

The lake is like a fantasy. I want to make new friends. Thanks for the welcome!

You are welcome :))

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What a beautiful place you have! I know that the lake was "created" by man, but the nature around it recovered and it looks that animals like it, too!

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Man dug the lake, but nature did not regret it here. She did her best for us to enjoy today.