Magična igra 🏀⛹️‍♂️🏀 A magic game

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)


Leto je vreme kada se dešavaju razna događanja. Koncerti, izložbe, regate, turniri… Pre neki dan u Vršcu se igrao turnir 3X3 u okviru Vršačkog sportskog leta. U moje vreme basket se igrao na Poletu, otvorenom igralištu kod Gradskog parka i stadiona. Tu su svoju veštinu u magičnoj igri iznad obruča igrale generacije vršačkih košarkaša. Danas se turnir igra na Gradskom trgu jer na taj način se okupi veliki broj gledalaca i ljubitelja košarke. Najbolji basketaši podeljeni po uzrasnim kategorijama igraju za najbolju basket ekipu u gradu. Ove godini takmičili su se : pioniri, juniori i seniori. Šutiralo se za tri poena ili najbolji trojkaši su se takmičili ko je najbolji šuter u gradu. Pobedio je junior Ognjen Grujin.

Summer is the time when various events take place. Concerts, exhibitions, regattas, tournaments... The other day, a 3X3 tournament was played in Vršac as part of the Vršac sports summer. In my time, basketball was played on Polet, an open playground near the City Park and the stadium. Generations of basketball players from Vrsa played their skills in a magical game above the hoop there. Today, the tournament is played on the City Square because that way a large number of spectators and basketball fans gather. The best basketball players divided by age group play for the best basketball team in town. This year, pioneers, juniors and seniors competed. It was shot for three points or the best three-point shooters competed to be the best shooter in town. Junior Ognjen Grujin won.


Bilo je dosta prijavljenih ekipa i turnir je igran u tri takmičarska dana. Basketaši nisu imali sreće sa vremenom, kiša je prekinula turnir i odložila za sedam dana. Vreme je poslužilo igrače i publiku u nastavku turnira. Mora da priznam da sam uživao dok sam gledao mlade vršačke basketaše. Košarka je pored moje profesionalne karijere moja najveća ljubav. Kao mlad igrao sam košarku sa dosta uspeha. Bio sam levoruk i imao sam dobar šut. Poslednje prave baskete odigrao sam daleke 1985-86. godine kada sam bio na odsluženju vojnog roka. Tada sam igrao i za armijsku ekipu u kojoj je bio i veliki mag ove igre Dražen Petrović, jedan od najboljih košarkaša svih vremena naše bivše zemlje Jugoslavije. U ekipi je bio i igrač Jugoplastike Velimir Perasović i mnogi drugi. U kasarni sam imao ekipu u kojoj su pored mene igrali Saša Georgijevski, Saša Štrbac, Željko Matošić, Saša Buđevac i jedan igrač Slovana iz Ljubljane čijeg imena ne mogu da se setim. Naši basketi bili su događaj u kasarni. Danas košarku igraju moji sinovi Rastko i Nemanja.

There were a lot of registered teams and the tournament was played in three competitive days. The basketball players were unlucky with the weather, the rain interrupted the tournament and postponed it for seven days. The weather served the players and the audience in the continuation of the tournament. I must admit that I enjoyed watching the young basketball players from Vrsa. Besides my professional career, basketball is my greatest love. As a youngster I played basketball with a lot of success. I was left-handed and had a good shot. I played the last real basketball back in 1985-86. when I was serving military service. At that time, I also played for the army team, which also included the great magician of this game, Dražen Petrović, one of the best basketball players of all time in our former country of Yugoslavia. Jugoplastika player Velimir Perasović and many others were also in the team. In the barracks, I had a team in which Saša Georgijevski, Saša Štrbac, Željko Matošić, Saša Buđevac and one Slovan player from Ljubljana, whose name I cannot remember, played next to me. Our baskets were an event in the barracks. Today, my sons Rastko and Nemanja play basketball.

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Na turniru je prodefilovalo dosta ekipa i igrača. Utakmice su bile neizvesne. Mnoge su rešavane u poslednjim sekundam ili su se igrale na razliku. Na turniru je bilo dosta dobrih igrača, ali uvek se izdvoje oni najbolji. Na mene je lično najveći utisak ostavio mali Vanja Tašlić koji je igrao u dve uzrasne kategorije i u obe je bio MVP.

A lot of teams and players paraded in the tournament. The matches were uncertain. Many were solved in the last seconds or were played on the difference. There were a lot of good players at the tournament, but the best ones always stand out. The biggest impression on me personally was little Vanja Tašlić, who played in two age categories and was MVP in both.


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Ipak turnir je obeležila ekipa Breg 013 koja je igrala u sastavu Dejan Blagojević, Rastko Mrđa, Igor Mirosavljev i Marko Uzelac. Oni su sve svoje protivnike dobili i osvojili trofej kao najbolja basket ekipa grada. Finale protiv ekipe Playroom, za koju su igrali braća Gačanović, Jokić i Nikolić, inače saigrači iz KK Breg, bila je najinteresantnija i svakako najkvalitetnija utakmica na turniru. U jednom trenutku rezultatu je bio izjednačen. Viđeno je mnogo lepih poteza i koševa. Basketaši ekipe Breg 013 nisu dozvolil iznenađenje , opravdali su ulogu favorita na turniru i u završnici napravili razliku koja je bila dovoljna za šampionsko slavlje. MVP turnira je Marko Uzelac iz ekipe Breg 013. Bilo je dosta pogođenih trojki, skokova, lepih akcija.

However, the tournament was marked by the team Breg 013, which played in the composition of Dejan Blagojević, Rastko Mrđa, Igor Mirosavljev and Marko Uzelac. They defeated all their opponents and won the trophy as the best basketball team in the city. The final against the Playroom team, played for by the brothers Gačanović, Jokić and Nikolić, teammates from KK Breg, was the most interesting and certainly the best match of the tournament. At one point the score was even. Many nice moves and baskets were seen. The basketball players of the Breg 013 team did not allow a surprise, they justified their role as favorites in the tournament and in the end made a difference that was enough for the championship celebration. The MVP of the tournament is Marko Uzelac from the Breg 013 team. There were a lot of hit triples, jumps, and nice actions.



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Publika je uživala u majstorijama basketaša u toplim letnjim noćima na Gradskom trgu u Vršcu.

The audience enjoyed the mastery of the basketball players in the warm summer nights at the Town Square in Vršac.

Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!


Yes, summer is the time when concerts, events, and tournaments are usually held. Great that you could document this basketball game! :)

Yes, summer is the time when concerts, events, and tournaments are usually held. Great that you could document this basketball game! :)

It was with great pleasure that I saw off the tournament and saw off this story. Thanks for the comment!

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You're welcome @djuramrdja! Have a nice day 😊👍