Igra prijatelja - A game of friends

in BANAT2 years ago

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Još jedan lep dan na vršačkom jezeru. Posle preplivanih 2000 m. napravio sam jedan krug oko jezera. U kratkoj šetnji naletao sam na lep prizor - Igru prijatelja ili „Veseli ples“.

Another beautiful day on the Vršac lake. After swimming 2000 m. I made one lap around the lake. During a short walk, I came across a beautiful sight - the Game of Friends or "Happy Dance".

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O čemu se radi? Čopor pasa lutalica koji često dolazi na jezero bezbrižno se igrao. Nisu se obazirali na ljude, nego su se prepustuili igri samo njima znanoj. Zastao sam na trenutak i uživao u njihovoj igri. Posmatrao sam kako su pažljivi jedni prema drugima. Igra me je u jednom trenutku zanela. Imao sam osečaj da prisustvujem nekoj plesnoj predstavi jer je njihova igra izgledala kao najlepši ples. Igrali su uz muziku koju samo oni čuju.

What is it? A pack of stray dogs that frequent the lake were playing carefree. They did not pay attention to people, but indulged in a game known only to them. I stopped for a moment and enjoyed their game. I observed how attentive they were to each other. The game got me hooked at one point. I had the feeling of attending a dance performance because their dance looked like the most beautiful dance. They danced to music that only they could hear.

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Ovaj post delim sa vama dragi prijatelji jer mislim da je ova igra pasa plemenita i da iz nje mi ljudi možemo dosta toga da naučimo. Gledajte oko sebe kada ste u prirodi. Iz prirode stalno dobijamo znakove koje treba prepoznati. Danas sam prisustvovao času prijateljstva, nežnosti i ljubavi. Zato budimo pažljivi jedni prema drugima. Delimo dobro… Život ne može da stane.

I am sharing this post with you, dear friends, because I think that this game of dogs is noble and that we humans can learn a lot from it. Look around you when you are in nature. We constantly receive signs from nature that need to be recognized. Today I attended a class on friendship, tenderness and love. So let's be considerate of each other. We share well... Life cannot stop.


Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!