El logro de Juan | Juan's achievement. [ESP-ENG]

in Olympus3 years ago

Juan era un joven de 25 años, que soñaba con ser un gran empresario, pasaba gran parte de su tiempo encerrado en su habitación, pintando. Su madre que había quedado viuda cuando Juan tenia tan solo 10 años, ella tuvo que luchar con su hijo Juan y trato de darle todo lo que el necesitaba.

Juan was a young man of 25 years old, who dreamed of being a great businessman, he spent much of his time locked in his room, painting. His mother, who had been widowed when Juan was only 10 years old, had to fight with her son Juan and tried to give him everything he needed.

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Hace 10 años Juan comenzó a encerrarse en su habitación, solo sale a comer y para ir al colegio, cuando Juan cursaba la universidad tuvo un accidente quedando invalido por 1 año, donde cae en una depresión, su madre viendo todo lo que sufría su único hijo entro en desesperación, hasta que hablando con una amiga de ella pudo entrar nuevamente en confianza y recibiendo por parte de su amiga una tarjeta de un psicólogo para que llevara a Juan y así el pudiera salir de la depresión en la que se encontraba, un día saliendo de rehabilitación, se fuero a ver al psicólogo ya que la madre de Juan había concretado una previa cita. Juan al salir de rehabilitación, nota que el camino que están tomando no es el de su casa y le dice a su madre, que para donde se dirigen y ella con una sonrisa, Juan quiero que veamos a un psicólogo los dos, no pienses que eres el único que sufre por el accidente que te paso, aquella tarde cuando paseabas en tu bicicleta, Juan viendo que su madre también estaba sufriendo le dijo que esta bien que aceptaba hablar con el psicólogo y que lo hacia por amor a ella.

Ten years ago Juan began to lock himself in his room, he only went out to eat and to go to school, when Juan was in college he had an accident and was disabled for one year, where he fell into a depression, his mother seeing all that her only son was suffering entered into despair, Until talking to a friend of hers, she was able to enter again in confidence and received from her friend a card of a psychologist to take Juan and so he could get out of the depression in which he was, one day leaving rehabilitation, she went to see the psychologist because Juan's mother had made a previous appointment. Juan, upon leaving rehab, notices that the road they are taking is not the one to his house and tells his mother where they are going and she says with a smile, Juan I want both of us to see a psychologist, don't think that you are the only one suffering from the accident that happened to you, that afternoon when you were riding your bike, Juan seeing that his mother was also suffering told her that it was okay that he accepted to talk to the psychologist and that he was doing it out of love for her.

Ya pasaron 5 meses desde que Juan fue por primera vez al psicólogo y ahora se encuentra en un mejor estado psicológico y con mas animo de seguir adelante, volvió a iniciar su carrera universitaria y incluso tiene nuevos amigos.

It has been 5 months since Juan went to the psychologist for the first time and now he is in a better psychological state and with more courage to move forward, he started his university career again and he even has new friends.

Han pasado ya un tiempo y Juan ya comenzó a caminar nuevamente, aunque con un poco de dificultad, Juan estudiaba de de mañana y por la tarde había conseguido un trabajo en una empresa de publicidad.

Some time has passed and Juan has started to walk again, although with some difficulty. Juan was studying in the morning and in the afternoon he had gotten a job in an advertising company.

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Paso 2 años, Juan ya se había graduado de la universidad hace 1 año atrás y aun trabajaba en la empresa de publicidad y desempeñándose con el cargo de gerente, un día Juan ya conociendo todo lo que hace una empresa de publicidad, decide crear su propia empresa de publicidad.

Two years passed, Juan had already graduated from college a year ago and was still working in the advertising company and working as a manager. One day, Juan, already knowing everything that an advertising company does, decided to create his own advertising company.

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3 meses después, Juan ya había transmitido todo los papeles para crear su propia empresa y con el dinero que recibió al retirarse de su trabajo en la empresa en la que trabajaba, Un día recibió una llamada del registro mercantil, donde le notificaron que el nombre que selecciono para su empresa fue aprobado, salio corriendo a la habitación de su madre para darle la noticia de que ya fue aprobado y que mañana saldría a buscar el sitio en donde funcionaria su empresa para alquilarlo.

3 months later, Juan had already transmitted all the papers to create his own company and with the money he received when he retired from his job in the company where he worked, one day he received a call from the commercial registry, where he was notified that the name he selected for his company was approved, he went running to his mother's room to give her the news that it was approved and that tomorrow he would go out to look for the place where his company would operate to rent it.

después de 1 mes, ya teniendo un sitio alquilado y la empresa activa,Juan realizo publicidad por radio, un comercial en un canal regional y varias vallas publicitaria por toda la ciudad. Un dia cuando Juan acababa de abrir las puertas de su empresa, llega un hombre que quería contratar los servicios de la empresa de Juan, que se llama "Publicidades J&R".

After 1 month, already having a rented place and the company active, Juan advertised on the radio, a commercial on a regional channel and several billboards throughout the city. One day when Juan had just opened the doors of his company, a man arrived who wanted to hire the services of Juan's company, called "Advertising J&R".

Desde que Juan inauguro su empresa, comenzó a ganar el prestigio de ser una de las empresas de publicidades que elaboran un trabajo de calidad a muy bajos costo, y comenzó a ganar cada vez mas clientes y dejando atrás a las competencias.

Since Juan opened his company, it began to gain the prestige of being one of the advertising companies that produce quality work at very low cost, and began to win more and more customers and leaving behind the competition.

De pronto se comenzaron rumores de que la Empresa "Publicidades J&R" que es la empresa de Juan traficaban con drogas y comenzó a perder clientes muy importantes, obligando a Juan a solicitar una serie de prestamos al banco para mantener su empresa viva, luego decide ir al ministerio publico para montar una denuncia por difamación y hacer que pagara el causante de dicha difamación.

Suddenly rumors began to spread that the company "Advertising J&R", which is Juan's company, was dealing in drugs and began to lose very important clients, forcing Juan to request a series of loans from the bank to keep his company alive, then he decided to go to the Public Ministry to file a complaint for defamation and make the person who caused the defamation pay.

Ya después de un tiempo de averiguaciones, el ministerio publico logro hallar con los que iniciaron con los rumores y poniendo bajo arresto por falsas calumnias al dueño de una de la empresa de publicidad que competía con la empresa "Publicidades J&R" de Juan, cuando se entera Juan, procede a llamar a su abogado para demandar a la empresa y el dueño que iniciaron con los rumores.

After some time of investigation, the public prosecutor's office managed to find those who started the rumors and put under arrest for false slander the owner of one of the advertising company that competed with Juan's company "Advertising J&R", when Juan finds out, he proceeds to call his lawyer to sue the company and the owner who started the rumors.

Han pasado 3 meses desde que se inicio el proceso de demanda, llega el día que darán el fallo de la demanda, ya llego la hora y se encuentra Juan y su abogado dentro de la sala del tribunal y cuando dan el fallo dan como ganador a Juan y obligando a la empresa y el dueño que creo el rumor a pagarle a Juan y a su empresa "Publicidades J&R" una fuerte suma de dinero y pedir perdón por el canal regional y prensas.

It has been 3 months since the lawsuit process began, the day arrives for the ruling of the lawsuit, the time has come and Juan and his lawyer are inside the courtroom and when they give the ruling they give Juan as the winner and force the company and the owner who created the rumor to pay Juan and his company "Advertising J&R" a large sum of money and ask for forgiveness for the regional channel and press.

Luego de todo eso la empresa "Publicidades J&R", logra expandirse a nivel nacional y así convirtiéndose en una de las empresas de publicidad mas poderosa del país.

After all this, the company "Advertising J&R", manages to expand nationally and thus becoming one of the most powerful advertising companies in the country.


 3 years ago  

@pjpavan me gusto tu historia y gracias por compartir este post.

 3 years ago (edited) 

@centauro34 gracias

@pjpavan, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

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