in Blockchain Poets2 years ago


It was a winter night that ran on your cheeks,
the tears were confused with the rain of life,
that unburdened cry of love that gave off, it was no more
an uncertain path of the bitterness of that day, that forgotten
loneliness that was the most I had, when it filled your face
of sadness and joy for that, a man who never reciprocated
that love that I was offering him,you were carried from mouth to mouth by others
it was he who loved you and you yourself knew it for which love
that I denied you was the one I offered you, you never reciprocated.
for chasing after that man who was the bad guy in life, and that
everyone in the village knew, others carried you by word of mouth
for being the lost woman, who depreciated the one who loved her
in the defiance of another man who was a stranger and who was known to all.



Era una noche de invierno que corrían en tus mejillas
las lágrimas se confundía con la lluvia de la vida,
ese llanto desahogado del amor que despedía, no era más
un camino incierto del amargo de aquel día, que olvidada
soledad que era la más que tenía, cuando llenaba tu rostro
de tristeza y alegría por eso, hombre que jamás correspondía
ese amor que le ofrecía, fue cuando te diste cuenta de que no
era el quién te amaba y tu misma lo sabías por qué amor
que te negaba era el que yo te ofrecía tú jamás me correspondía
por andar detrás de ese hombre que era el malo de la vida, y que
todos en el pueblo sabía, otros te llevaban de boca en boca
por ser la mujer perdida, que deprecio a quien la ama por andar
en la porfía de otro hombre que era ajeno y que todos lo sabían.


Hard verses with truths of tangible realities, everyday situations of unrequited and scorned love. But time is a fair judge and to each one he gives what he deserves.
I loved your poem.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Puedo sentir el dolor en tus palabras.
Es dificil de leer💔

Lovely piece of writing... I love how descriptive it is. 😍😍

Hello friend @wrsd54 I read your poem and was delighted. A heart broken and in love. The poem is full of many emotions. I look forward to continue reading it. Regards