where the two gave themselves without knowing what awaited them,
that night of unfounded passion in the misery of the betrayal
that they exercised loving each other as they asked to be separated by death
they offered themselves to each other without knowing what was awaiting them
what awaited them and that their desires were fulfilled that full moon
of passion for them and of pain for the one who suffered the most, it was
when that man arrived, owner of the betrayal exercised by those two unconscious beings
that two unconscious beings that by betrayal were spoiling the love
that had the owner of the woman who was married to him and his brother of life who had
brother of the life that fulfilled his desire giving him death immediately, shouting
immediately, shouting and asking heaven to forgive him, sir, for the evil
for the bad things in life, but if he were to touch him again, he would never regret it
he would never regret it because the present betrayal is not done to his people or
to his people, not even if he is a relative or a stranger, because betrayal is betrayal
because betrayal is betrayal and that pays death, the laws of life.

donde los dos se entregaban sin saber lo que les esperaba,
esa noche de pasión infundada en la miseria de la traición
que ejercían amándose como pedían que los separe la muerte
así ellos se ofrecían uno al otro compenetrado sin saber
lo que les esperaba y que sus deseos cumplían esa luna llena
de pasión para ellos y de dolor para el que más sufría, fue
cuando llegó aquel hombre dueño de la traición que ejercían
eso dos seres inconsciente que por traición malograban el amor
que le tenia el dueño de la mujer que era casada con él y su
hermano de la vida que le cumplió su deseo dándole muerte
enseguida, gritando pidiéndole al cielo que lo perdone señor
por lo malo de la vida, pero si le llega a tocar de nuevo
el jamás se arrepentiría porque la traición presente no se
le hace a su gente ni tiendo parentesco o siendo un desconocido
por que traición es traición y eso paga la muerte, las leyes de la vida.
Your verses tell a story, a story of betrayal and pain. The moon witnessed the forbidden love and then the revenge paid with the blood of a brother. You have given us some beautiful lines on this day.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.
Thank you, it is an honor for me to be able to share with you