Everything We Are Not Changing, We Are Choosing

Our Traditions,
moulded and diluted.

Shells of reality,
threaded through this

Breaking points
exposed amongst the fearless.

The grounded knowledge,
that breaks out, into song.

Our remembrance of what once was,
words to break the spell,
to lift us out of our slumber.

To take back the seeds of our creation,
our abundance that flows,
that weaves it's way
into the minds of those that seek to know.

To grow
as we nurture,
the very essence of our understanding,
the eternal energy,
that seeks us to unlearn,
to surrender
and feel our way,
amongst this
of empowerment.

This poem came out of a conversation I had with my girls about Christmas. We don't celebrate it, but they are exposed to it. It intrigues them, but me, I see how they stole our sacred celebrations and moulded them into their own form.

Life is meant to be celebrated, to be honoured and we can do that by breaking away from this holidays, that promote consumerism and focus more on celebrating life, through our engagement with nature.

This poem is a call of remembrance, of what it means to be empowered. We have choices to make. Life is all about reflection, about observation. It calls on us to look within, to really see our place amongst it all.

Where do we sit, are we willing to break out of our comfort, to break away from a way of life that so often leaves us imprisoned.
It is not what we have on the outside, that should be used to measure our happiness, our success.

It's what we carry inside, it's our ability to look at who we are and make the changes we wish to see. Because, everything that we are not changing, we are choosing!


To take back the seeds of our creation,
our abundance that flows,
that weaves it's way
into the minds of those that seek to know.

Love this. Your poetry always makes me think, and feel. We celebrate Christmas, but mostly as a time of generosity with a focus on Winter Solstice. My kids have had very little experience with religion in general. I remember rebelling against the church at age 5. 🤣 It was too much about fear, about control, when the central figure in all the stories, their savior, was all about love. So we focus on that love, on kindness to all, on compassion.

Beautiful, we celebrate Solstice as well. Thank you for your lovely feedback @katrina-ariel I really appreciate it xxxxx

I am relearning what was diluted long before I was born by those who saw it fit to colonize the diverse worshipping ways that were in place... This piece feels like you doing a similar thing 🔆

If we can find our way back to who we were meant to be, I believe what should be can regenerate.

Yes, that is it. It is returning to who we are. By exploring and questioning what life has given us so far. Journeying back.
Thank you beautiful xxx

Or better yet accepting. For anything we won't change, we must accept. Acceptance is also your neck on the chopping block or noosed from a tree. Even our silence is also an answer to cruelty and social dilemmas. Change is the only constant it is said but we are learning each day to paint old truths with new lies dressed in lilies and fireflies.

Lovely poem.

Beautiful and powerful @warpedpoetic,

Change is the only constant it is said but we are learning each day to paint old truths with new lies dressed in lilies and fireflies.

Thank you for this xxx

It is what it is. Somethings just need saying

It's what we carry inside, it's our ability to look at who we are and make the changes we wish to see. Because, everything that we are not changing, we are choosing— it is the mind over matter always . Changing is a choice even though it is a constant phenomenon.

I loved this part of this great poem:

To grow
as we nurture,
the very essence of our understanding,
the eternal energy,
that seeks us to unlearn,
to surrender
and feel our way,
amongst this
of empowerment.

I really liked your reflection most of the holidays or celebrations are days of consumer and spending, I give you an example, the day of love and friendship is according to February 14, I think you do not need a specific day to show love and affection to a special person, well so I see it, I love as always your writing, makes you think and of course that great image, greetings and happy weekend @trucklife-family