To Myself

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I stand before the looking glass,
A stranger and a friend,
Peering into depths of time,
Where past and future blend.

Who are you, reflection mine?
A face I've always known,
Yet alien in familiarity,
Flesh, blood, and bone.

I trace the lines upon my brow,
Each crease a story told,
Of laughter, sorrow, wonder, doubt,
As years have made me bold.

These eyes that shine with inner light,
What visions have they seen?
What dreams still linger in their depths,
What futures yet unseen?

These hands that reach to touch the glass,
What works have they achieved?
What gentle acts of kindness wrought,
What burdens have they heaved?

This heart that beats beneath my breast,
A drum of muted thunder,
How many times has it been broken,
Torn asunder?

Yet still it pulses, strong and true,
A wellspring of emotion,
Pouring forth both joy and pain
In ceaseless, rhythmic motion.

I am a tapestry of moments,
Woven thread by thread,
Each choice a color, bright or dark,
As life's path I have tread.

Some strands are frayed and tattered now,
While others shine like gold,
But all combine to form the whole,
A picture to behold.

I speak to you, my other self,
Across the silvered plane,
What wisdom would you share with me,
What counsel would you deign?

Remember kindness, whispers she,
For it will light your way,
Through darkest nights and storms of strife,
To brighter, gentler days.

Embrace your flaws, for they are part
Of what has made you grow,
Each scar a lesson hard-won,
Each triumph a seeds to sow.

Forgive yourself for past mistakes,
For paths not taken, too,
For in this moment, here and now,
You're ever born anew.

Love fiercely, deeply, without fear,
Though pain may come in time,
For hearts that dare to feel it all
Will reach heights sublime.

Seek wonder in the smallest things,
A dewdrop on a leaf,
The laughter of a child at play,
A moment's sweet relief.

Chase passion like a guiding star,
Let purpose fill your days,
For life's too short to wander lost
In apathy's dull haze.

And when the twilight of your years
Casts shadows long and deep,
Look back upon the life you've lived
With peace, before you sleep.

For you are more than flesh and bone,
More than the sum of parts,
A constellation of experiences,
Of dreams, and hopes, and arts.

So stand tall, my reflection dear,
Embrace both joy and strife,
For in your eyes, I see the truth:
You are the art of life.

 2 months ago  

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