in Blockchain Poets2 days ago (edited)

That to love is not necessity,
That is such a lie,
Because your love is my lyre,
My greatest feast.
Necessary is your goodness,
Your purity, your presence,
And that is love, that is the essence
Of your great genius.

I can tell you again:
That you are my religion,
My poetry, my song
My reason for living.
I need to coincide,
With your air, with your breath,
Because you are the nourishment,
The reason for my existence.

Note: I have used the translator DeepL Transtale.
The photo is my own, taken with my Samsung J2 phone.


Que amar no es necesidad,
Eso es tamaña mentira,
Porque tu amor es mi lira,
Mi mayor festividad.
Necesaria es tu bondad,
Tu pureza, tu presencia,
Y eso, es amor, es esencia,
De tu gran genialidad.

Puedo volverte a decir:
Que tú eres mi religión,
Mi poesía, mi canción
Mi motivo de vivir.
Necesito coincidir,
Con tu aire, con tu aliento,
Porque eres el alimento,
La razón de mi existir.

Nota: He utilizado el traductor DeepL Transtale.
La foto es de mi propiedad, tirada con mi teéfono Samsung J2.


Aww, it's sweet but short, still good of course.

Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving your feedback. I appreciate your comment. Have a nice day. Cheers and best regards.

 10 hours ago  

You've received an upvote from the Blockchain Poets account. Thank you for submitting your poem to our community!

Thanks you. Blessings.

Sin dudas leer sobre el amor es un deleite para las emociones, y narras en tus palabras el sentimiento más profundo de admiración y devoción por la persona amada. Es inmensa y gratificante la belleza en estos sentimientos.