Flowers in still waters,
Vibrant with color and life,
Swaying with the wind,
Proud bordering on the arrogant,
Head raised to the skies,
Pretty only to sight!
Touch and they tremble with fear,
Contorting with panic and trepidation,
Formless reflections,
Lacking the strength of solidity!
Beauty on the surface,
Devoid of fragrance and tenderness,
Totally dependent on the sun and skies,
Deceptive images, ghosts of truth,
Seemingly real with color and shape,
Reflections never become life,
Shapeshifting with every wind that blows,
Wobbling around with the drop of every twig,
Fluttering about lifelessly,
Counterfeit cannot become real,
Without light there is no shadow,
Without reality there is no reflection,
Imaginations of the mind,
Games the mind plays,
Preying dreams on desires past,
To build alternate realities!
I've often felt that we live in a world deluded in so many ways, not knowing what is truth or real. Not being able to separate the truth from fallacies. Lies hailed as truth and truth relegated to the background labeled as conspiracy. Facts changed to fit the new reality, what a deceived world we live in. Will our eyes ever find the truth or the heart ever seek after the truth? Seekers find, but the deceived remain hoodwinked!
Image used belongs to me
The truth is a bouquet of fallacies according to times and times. They make us believe, they make us accept.
The truth molds those who
to whom it suits. The truth is disguised as a lie and Contrarily.
Beautiful verses that make us reflect and think. Thanks for sharing.
Good day.
Thank you so much for this amazing comment. Most times people do not understand what is being said you have summarized perfectly what is on my mind.
I appreciate your stopping by @rinconpoetico7 . Have an amazing day
What is real or what is dream… we cannot know. There is a Spanish poet who wrote that life is a dream and dreams, dreams are.
I love what you did here.
And you know what, that's just a simple truth.
Without reality indeed there is no reflection. This poem is so amazing. Thanks for sharing.
I like the heart and mind both having their chance to express themselves here.
I think we will only become more unsure of what is real and what’s not. I was fooled into thinking I was fooled by a deepfake the other day. It was not a deepfake but it looked like one and what the guy said was too ridiculous to be true, but after some research I found that by all accounts it was really said.
I can only imagine how much this new technology is weaponized and how much people cling on to things they can’t verify. I think and I hope that after a period of numbness and cynicism, many people realize that this merely a push for us to focus more on the things we do know to be true, especially our relationships and our physical lives as well as the things online which we can touch directly. Also it is possible to be at peace not knowing what is true. That’s some high level shit! And I think we will see more and more people finding that level of peace because the alternative is feels awful 😆
A poem that immerses us little by little in reflection and at the end makes us doubt reality. It was interesting to read, especially those final words. Greetings.
Hello @sofs-su 😀, interesting poem that you share with us, it has reflective edges that caught my attention, so I will allow myself to make an analysis when a poem like this catches my senses.
The poem is an allegorical reflection on the superficiality and appearance of things, which many times can be a false reflection of what we end up perceiving as true. The author uses a lyrical technique of lively description by comparing flowers in still waters with arrogance and beauty, synonyms of the falsehood that hides the truth. The contrasts between external beauty and lack of internal substance, fragrance and missing tenderness, and total dependence on the sun and sky are creatively used to express the idea that the truth about something can be much more complex than it appears at first glance.
The author invites us to consider that in life, as in poetry, appearances are often deceiving, and that the truth may be hidden behind reflections that change with the wind.
At the end of the poem, the author reflects on reality and truth, and how these two things can be difficult to distinguish in today's world that is often plagued by fake news, propaganda and manipulation.
With his poem, the author reminds us that the search for truth requires perspective, reflection and critical thinking, and that only those who search can find the truth.
Thank you for sharing original, thoughtful and quality poetry with us.
Happy productive weekend
Thanks once again, have an amazing weekend.Great analysis @jakim7 . Understanding poetry, it's intent and purpose isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I do greatly appreciate that you took the time to read and write a perfect analysis too.