Regodeos con la esperanza (Prosa poética) Basking in hope (Poetic prose)

in Blockchain Poets2 years ago


Prosa Poética inspirada en el tema planteado por el #ClubDePoesia de @freewritehouse: "Motivado por la esperanza"

Regodeos con la esperanza

Motivos son los que sobran decían los viejos, solo tenemos que tener la habilidad de saber mirar los cambios del tiempo, poder escudriñar entre los sueños, dejarse llevar por esos vientos que sacuden la mirada y nos invitan al trabajo.

Hay que echar mano de los augurios de la luna, para saber que nos depara la suerte. Estudiar los movimientos del sol cuando nos guiña entre los deseos, quizás su luz devele el camino.

Los viejos decían que, si te levantas con el pie izquierdo, los caminos no te llevan a ningún lado y tropezar es una caída libre para los deseos. Comentas en la plaza lo mal que andas y te sobran los predicadores. Saltan los naipes sobre la mesa y se descubren tus males. Otros hacen lecturas en la taza del café, todo es negro.

Solo son falsos vaticinios, pero voy y les digo que tengo la esperanza, que todo va a mejorar, voy a conseguir lo necesario para ser feliz, miro las señales del cielo. Hago mis plegarias y les sonrío. Ya vendrá la abundancia.

Eso me motiva para seguir en la búsqueda de una vida mejor. En casa bailan con la angustia y la necesidad, la mujer dice que soy un bueno para nada, por eso su partida es un hecho. No comprendo el rostro de mis hijos, ellos miran a lo lejos cuando manifiesto que estoy motivado por la esperanza.

Los amigos bromean porque miran como el tiempo envejece a mi lado, espero que la vida termine con tantos motivos, Así que sigo esperando que algo pase.


ProsaPoetica inspired by the theme raised by @freewritehouse's #ClubDePoesia: "Motivated by hope."

Basking in hope

We only need to have the ability to know how to look at the changes of time, to be able to scrutinize among dreams, to let ourselves be carried away by those winds that shake our eyes and invite us to work.

It is necessary to take advantage of the omens of the moon, to know what luck has in store for us. Study the movements of the sun when it winks at our desires, perhaps its light will reveal the way.

The old people used to say that if you get up on the wrong foot, the roads lead you nowhere and stumbling is a free fall for wishes. You comment in the square how badly you are walking and you have plenty of preachers. Cards jump on the table and your ills are discovered. Others make readings in the cup of coffee, everything is black.

They are only false predictions, but I go and tell them that I have the hope that everything will get better, I will get what I need to be happy, I look at the signs in the sky. I say my prayers and smile at them. Abundance will come.

That motivates me to continue my search for a better life. At home they dance with anguish and need, the wife says that I am a good-for-nothing, that's why her departure is a fact. I don't understand my children's faces, they look away when I say that I am motivated by hope.

Friends joke because they watch as time ages by my side, I hope life ends with so many reasons, So I keep waiting for something to happen.


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Prosa reflexiva, de tono poético, que bien nos muestra la disonancia que podemos ser ante las expectativas de los otros cuando ponemos en el horizonte lo posible o inasible. Saludos, @silher.

comunidad y comparte tu talento con nosotros. Tu post ha sido votado por @celf.magazine, proyecto curatorial y revista digital sobre arte y cultura en Hive. Únete a nuestra
community and share your talent with us. Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our

Muchas gracias por apoyarme y muy agradecido por tan amable comentario.

 2 years ago  

Hope will always mean uncertainty, and that meaning is very well expressed in your poetic prose. Greetings, @silher.

Your comment is very kind, I appreciate it, best regards.

espero que te pase algo bueno

Your wishes are well appreciated, thank you very much. Best regards.

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Gracias por el apoyo. Abrazos.

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It's always tough hoping for a better change when everything seems to crumble. Sometimes, it seems to be close, like it would happen tomorrow but years keep going by.

It's a good thing to keep hope alive, because that's what guarantee our survival

The problem is when we use hope to justify inaction and time passes and there is no real struggle to achieve the goals necessary to live with dignity. Thank you for your valuable comment. Greetings.

Yeah, that's where the error comes in.

You're welcome always

Ah really nice :)
Well ...pluto in Aquarius will help us see the truth within :)

Let's hope for good news from the stars, thanks for commenting. Greetings.