
in Blockchain Poets2 years ago


Mi corazón ardió en un momento
convirtiéndome en un ente
que vaga torpemente
detrás de tus caderas.

Oculto de la luna
que obliga a mis colmillos a crecer
frente a tu cuello.

Pero ese tu cabello
que alegre cae sobre tus formas femeninas,
también me hizo creer
en una muchedumbre con antorchas
y baras con espinas,
dejando de mi sueño
tan solo el humo blanco...
y de mi amor sincero
tal vez algunas ruinas.



My heart burned in a moment
turning me into an entity
that wanders awkwardly
behind your hips.

hidden from the moon
that forces my fangs to grow
in front of your neck

But that's your hair
how joyful falls on your feminine forms,
also made me believe
in a crowd with torches
and bars with thorns,
leaving my dream
just white smoke...
and from my sincere love
maybe some ruins.


Poesía y fotografía


Earlier, as we all know, there were no mobile phones and no lights, so people So they used to use fire in the same way.

Nice lines. Picture illustration is just awsome 😍. Keep it up.

Thank you

The Fire and smoke are making the pictures pleasant to watch.

The image you chose is so beautiful and you've got beautiful lines too.

Thank you

It is an art to be able to express with such simple verses such a deep feeling. Excellent poem.

Thank you

Excelentes ilustraciones