Llegaste como el sol en mi vida,
brillante, radiante y llenando cada espacio de luz;
parecía que el mundo me sonreía,
que mis horas de soledad habían terminado.
Éramos uno, tres en una,
un universo cerrado entre nosotros;
sólo tú y yo y un amor invencible,
cubriendo el daño y las heridas pasadas.
Podía ver el mundo de color de nuevo,
con tus abrazos llenos de ternura;
Y aunque la vida nos hizo sufrir,
la esperanza seguía adelante.
Pero ahora, la tristeza me inunda,
y un fuerte peso me cae en el pecho;
mi esperanza se desvanece al perderte,
mi vida está llena de soledad…
La nostalgia de un pasado amado,
es lo único que aún queda en mí;
suspirar por aquel amor que ahora dolía,
repentinamente me invade el alma.
¿Cómo se llama el anhelar aquel pasado
cuando el tiempo nos separó?
¿Cómo llamar esa llaga sin sanar
de un ser amado que jamás volverá?
Oh profundo dolor de aquel que padece
esa pena, a razón de un amor perdido;
cuando el rencor se apodera de mi alma,
ese sentimiento se llama desamor.
English version
You arrived like the sun in my life,
Bright, radiant and filling each space with light;
It seemed that the world was smiling at me,
That my hours of loneliness were over.
We were one, three in one,
A closed universe between us;
Just you and me and an invincible love,
Covering the damage and past wounds.
I could see the world of color again,
With your hugs full of tenderness;
And although life made us suffer,
Hope went on.
But now, sadness floods me,
And a heavy weight falls on my chest;
My hope vanishes when I lose you,
My life is full of loneliness...
The nostalgia of a beloved past,
It's the only thing that still remains in me;
Sigh for that love that now hurt,
Suddenly my soul invades me.
What is the name of longing for that past?
When did time separate us?
What do you call that sore without healing?
Of a loved one who will never return?
Oh, deep pain from the one who suffers
That sorrow, because of a lost love;
When resentment takes hold of my soul,
That feeling is called heartbreak.
This is really an emotional poems, I love they way you describe the feelings...
I'm soul struck ❤️❤️
Thank you very much for your comment, I am very happy that you liked the poem.
This hits deep, I pray you move past it.
Thank you 🙏