in Blockchain Poets11 months ago


What shall we do, cruel is it.
A time shall surely come,
Like the setting of the sun.
When we all have no choice,
Heeding to the cold hands of
Death. Obeying it call, as our
Creator has ordained. Many
Questions pondering through
My mind, doubts arising, questioning,
Why, why, why should we all labour,
For a life that could be withdrawn,
At the slightest decision, we could be gone.
A crazy world it is, Facing turmoils and
Challenges, the ups and downs of
Life. Not knowing when we shall
Embark on the endless journey, all alone.
When we shall sleep our last, journeying to
To meet our maker in solitude, our souls
Awaiting it fate.
Eternal Slumber, where we get called
Far away Into a land of dream's never to return. Cruel it's, Not knowing when we could
Embark on this terrifying journey.
But who are we, it's been ascertained,
We have no choice. Only to heed,
When we are called to embark on this journey.