A bit of flash poetry because it doesn't have to be long and complicated all of the time, I reckon.
Sometimes (usually :D ) simple is best.
I dunno about you guys, but I do like to overcomplicate things. I guess because I like to come up with new concepts and ways of doing things. I mean... mostly we humans have already said and done it all in a million ways already, haven't we?
Some days I wonder if there are any totally original ideas left for us to come up with, in fact. This worries me more than it should.
Anyway. Some of the poetry that resonates the most with me personally comes to me while I walk for some reason. I know there's science behind the why but I won't bother you with science when we're talking poetry.
I walk.
I walk to balance. I walk because the wind feels good on my skin and the sand feels good on my feet. And the sunshine feels good on my face.
When last did you stop and stand still, close your eyes and lift your face to the sun?
Oh... you thought that was the poem up there. Um... no.
I know many of you are in the last vestiges of winter up North. Still... the photos I've seen are quite beautiful.
Down here we're having the best days of summer. The wind stops, mostly (but less in Pringle Bay) in summer. These are the days we experience what I like to call the "African Heat".
Now I haven't traveled as much as I'd like to, but there's something very unique about the African Heat. It's fuckin' fierce, for one thing. Like... it almost takes your breath away hot. And it's dry. It's a dry heat that kinda sears your skin as you wander about.
Yeah... fierce!
And I love it.
Because I love to swim. But, these days, I only swim when it's African Heat fiercly hot. It's the best time to dive right in.
More photos of "The Pool of the Pippin" to follow.
"But wtaf is a 'Pippin'?" you may wonder. Well, it's not complicated. Even though the backstory and history of "The Pippins and Nuggets" is, undeniably, extremely complicated.
But you'd have to ask my son about that, really.
He's the mastermind behind the story. And he has some great story-telling skills! I can't remember it all. Except that the Nuggets and the Pippins are a species that landed on planet Earth a while back.
Hmmmm... are we a species or a race? This is where it all gets a bit confusing. I dunno actually. You'll have to ask the younger human. Anyway. The rest isn't that complicated, really.
- Both Pippins and Nuggets always tell the truth and do the right thing. Even when it's uncomfortable, hard and very scary.
Beyond this, the similarities between the two differ and I won't take the liberty of sharing more about the Nuggets. That would have to come from The Ultimate Nugget, himself. The creator of the story that became known as:
"Pippin and Nugget's Magical Adventures."
So named by a young person, during some very challenging adventures, because we both learned the hard way...
that perspective changes pretty much everything.
Anyway. I can share the traits of the Pippins.
I think it's more than fair that I'm able to share this because... according to the creator of this story, I not only happen to be a Pippin, but I am an "Alpha" Pippin. How cool is that?!
In addition, I too am The Ultimate Pippin.
So named by my creator. And so it shall be.
I, thus, have abandoned all labels, societies, groups and other only human constructs about who and what I should be and, henceforth and thusforth and does this even make any sense at all really, shall only identify as a "Pippin."
In fact... my government even states that my race is "Unknown".
So there you have it!
So here are the traits of a "Pippin".
- Both Pippins and Nuggets always tell truth and do the right thing. Even when it's uncomfortable, hard and very scary.
- A Pippin's natural habitat is in the wild
And most importantly, and this is the defining feature of a Pippin... and an Alpha Pippin will go to pretty much any length for this...
3 Pippins need to be free.
So there you have it... except the younger human has a list of "How to Train Your Pippin". It's very cute. But I'm keeping it to myself because... well you know... information and power and all that.
#FreeInformation #InformationIsInnocent
Here's the poem. Dedicated to other poets on the blockchain. Some who are sharing their poetry 😉 and some who aren't.
Here's to you. 💕
Does my Honesty embarrass you?
Oh what Shame
Now I dunno if that's even poetry, really, because I'm not really a poet either. Things just come to me and so I share them.
And I'm still going for radical honesty because you won't quite believe what happens when you simply speak your truth. 👀
But that, as I like to say, is another story.
Happy weekend all!
Don't forget to raise your face to the sun and breathe for a while.
And to look inwards. Of course. 💕
Please 'scuse inevitable typos? I'm actually only the Queen Bee of typos, in all truth! 😆
#NonJudgement #OnlyHumanToo #NoShameInLearning
#BeCurious #QuestionEverything #JustAsk #FreedomOfSpeech #ThisIsImportant
#RacismGotCancelled #SexismGotCancelled #HarassmentIsPersonal
#SystemicRacismExists and #SystemicAbuseExists #WeAreAllResponsible #WeAreTheSystem #ItsNotPersonal
Here you go
Here's the trick! When you feel afraid... stop! And ask yourself why. If. Whether. Sit with it for a while and try to observe it with curiosity.
I can share this...
When you've done some digging around in your own psyche and have come to know yourself a bit more, not much can startle you anymore. Or threaten you. Or scare you.
Nothing anyone accuses you of or says about you offends you much either. Because you know who you are. And you know that all judgement is basically only a projection of the person who is judging's unprocessed "stuff" or unconscious.
Simple <3
#NeoTherapy #ThisIsPerfect #JustALiddleBit
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer
Beyond fear is freedom
And there is nothing to be afraid of.
To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee
I have a Greek word for you that you might as well know when you'll come to Greece.
Pippini (Πιππίνι) is the young beautiful girl :)
Aaaaahhh... because my granny was half Chinese / half Greek and my grandpa used to call me "Pippin" :) Now I know why!!
When my son began to call me this I got kinda spooked! :D But then he said it was the same name as the dog in some movie he saw
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Yet she didn't reply to this one,but she will reply and upvote the meaningless one.
That's satisfying, HIveBuzz!
Thanks for letting me know and have a beautiful day.
Sending love always ❤️