Glad to hear that you're safe. The threat of a tsunami was worrisome too. Happy New Year indeed!
Now, as for the poems, you've really captured a sense of the season, and the progress of time. That said I can only have one favorite, and it's about one of my family's fondest memories of Japan, KFC on Christmas! That, and a Christmas cake!
Did you do the KFC while here? I’ve done it a few times, but try to talk my family out of doing it every year. Oddly enough, we’ve developed the tradition of having lasagna on Christmas Eve. It’s become an annual request from my wife and her siblings, so every year now I make 14 mini lasagnas and deliver them to everyone.
KFC? At Christmas? In Japan? Have you seen the lines??? We never had KFC at Christmas there, but we have doine it twice. Once in Guam, when both kids had chickenpox and we couldn't be around others. We took KFC to the beach and ate there. Last time was Christmas 2017. My wife and son had the flu and I brought KFC home after work. They sat in separate corners, myself and my daughter-in-law (pregnant at the time) in the other corners. We ate KFC and I threw gifts from under the tree to everyone. Some Christmas! Lasagna sounds good. I may have to suggest that next year...I mean this year ;)
That sounds like my New Year’s last year, minus the KFC.
My daughter and I were quarantined in a room with Corona and my wife had to leave three meals outside of our door every day while she and my other two children stayed as far away as they could.