Insomnio. [ESP-ENG]


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¡Hola! Muy buenos días, tardes y noches para toda la comunidad de Hive, espero que estén teniendo un gran martes. A continuación les comparto este nuevo poema en esta genial comunidad como lo es Blockchain Poets, este escrito lleva por nombre insomnio, este poema lo escribí hoy, está recién salido del horno, la inspiración para escribirlo es porque tengo muchos días con este trastorno de Morfeo, en donde no he podido conciliar bien el sueño, en uno de esos amaneceres me puse como a escribir algo relacionado sobre eso, pensando cómo de algo malo puede salir el sol cada mañana para todos y bueno de ahí la inspiración para escribirlo, pero bueno espero con ansias sus comentarios y que por supuesto les guste mucho.

Hello! Very good morning, afternoon and evening to all the Hive community, I hope you are having a great Tuesday. Next I share with you this new poem in this great community as it is Blockchain Poets, this writing is called insomnia, I wrote this poem today, it is just out of the oven, the inspiration to write it is because I have many days with this Morpheus disorder, where I have not been able to sleep well, in one of those dawns I got like to write something related to that, thinking how from something bad the sun can come out every morning for everyone and well from there the inspiration to write it, but well I look forward to your comments and of course you like it very much.



El insomnio vuelve a aparecer,
Como antes, no necesita invitación,
Ayer estaba tratando de dormir,
¿Cómo puedo escapar del trastorno de Morfeo?

Las cortinas se han vuelto a caer,
Me levantare un momento para acomodarlos,
Me gustaría poder dormirme,
¿Cuál es la razón?

¿Qué es lo que debo hacer?
Tomaré lápiz y papel,
Voy a recoger mi cuaderno,
Y escribiré un poema nocturno.

Y pensaré en lo que pasa,
Mientras pasan los minutos y las horas,
Toda la noche contemplando la luna,
A la espera de que el sol vuelva a brillar.


Insomnia is back again,
As before, it needs no invitation,
Yesterday I was trying to sleep,
How can I escape Morpheus' disorder?

The curtains have fallen again,
I'll get up for a moment to arrange them,
I wish I could fall asleep,
What is the reason?

What should I do?
I'll take pencil and paper,
I'll pick up my notebook,
And I'll write a night poem.

And I'll think about what's going on,
As the minutes and hours go by,
All night long gazing at the moon,
Waiting for the sun to shine again.


El que come demasiado tendrá dolores, insomnio, malestar, sofocación y semblante alterado. En cambio, el que come con moderación tiene un sueño saludable y por la mañana se levanta con la cabeza despejada.

Eclesiástico 31:20

He who eats too much will have pains, insomnia, discomfort, suffocation and altered countenance. On the other hand, he who eats in moderation has a healthy sleep and in the morning rises with a clear head.

Sirach 31:20


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Muchas gracias por tomar parte de tu tiempo en leer esto en verdad que estoy muy contento, si te gusto déjame un comentario y ayúdame a compartirlo para que llegue a más personas que a ti no te cuesta nada y a mí me ayudaría muchísimo.

Thank you very much for taking part of your time to read this, I am very happy, if you like it, leave me a comment and help me to share it so it can reach more people, it doesn't cost you anything and it would help me a lot.
Traducido con (versión gratuita).

Translated with (free version).

Dios los bendiga a todos. | God bless you all.

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The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago when the HBD stabilizer proposal rose above it.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work?
You can do it on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.

All votes are helpful and yours will be much appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @joseitosanchezs, we need your help! /

I also have insomnia and I also use the hours of the night for my writing. I feel a kindred spirit in your writing
Good work, friend, and I wish you more rest at night

Hi, thank you very much for your nice words, anyway we are trying to sleep xD, I hope you too can rest at night, thanks for reading my post, a hug @sodeeyum

Motivation is all you need to remain strong, running away from our difficult isn't going to change anything.

Motivation is all you need to remain strong, running away from our difficult isn't going to change anything.

Well yes, what else is left, face everything that comes, thanks for commenting.

Rightly Said