BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Behind The Mask

in Blockchain Poets3 years ago

Welcome to the BCP Weekly Prompt!

Few moment of appreciation to everyone who makes out time to participate in our weekly prompt and support the community in various ways. Last week brought about the prompt Depression. Thanks to @inthenow for coming up with such a wonderful idea. For those who didn't get the opportunity to participate, do feel free to give it a go

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The prompt is: Behind The Mask 😔

The Mask has so many things hidden behind it. Most times, these things are unpredictable. Some surprise us with a lot of goodies, while others bring disappointment.

Many people have experienced the so-called behind the mask. One of the biggest masks that exist at this time is social media. People mask themselves in what they desire to be and not the exact thing they are.

This week is pretty simple, Put down words of deep thought or experience you've had that relates to the given prompt.

Let your keyboard or quill, pen or pencil.. crayon.. or whatever you like to express yourself with, do the talking. Put down some killer lines of poetry, and share your awesome works with the community and the world.

That's about all for this week. Looking forward to catching up this week, and reading some cool writing. 😀

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Post by: @martinlazizi