One Blue Sky!

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago (edited)

One people
That lives in the luminescence
Of the blinking stars
Listening to the whispering winds
... If only we know
That we share one blue Sky

I see those shades of grey
When I long for colours bright
I wish for our wings
To take flight as the birds
In one blue Sky


The heavens could weep
The Sky could dry their tears
But with sullen faces
The highest mountains
Would wish there was one love
In every verse, in every beat

I do know what they say
Every impact we make travels gently
As the Summer breeze, slowly
Within this same Sky
To all, far and near
Connecting races, erasing space


I am retiring for the night
But you say, "Good morning Sunrise"
Your Winter jacket in your arms
It is Sunnyside in my toast
It is one blue Sky
One people, One Earth

Should I add, one voice
One love
One heart
To balance this equation?

I wish it would be so!



I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.


Another wonderful poem, I enjoy your writing. 🙂👍

Omg! I feel so blessed getting this comment from you.
I am so grateful for the gift, I appreciate you 🙏