Fading Echoes!

I remember the memories of my youth
When she once led the way
With sure sturdy steps
And treated ever so tenderly
With those hands now frail

Her frame trembles just like a child's
And on wobbly feet
She scarcely can stand
But her story is not yet written
Until I love her back the same


Fading echoes of yesteryears
Stiffened bones ouch!

Aching arms aaarh!
Saggy skin, greying hair
Even her eyes are failing too


She is not to be caged
Because she's old and ailing
Because she's slowly
Closing the page of her life
And facing the setting Sun

She remains the roots
From which I came forth
Yes her wisdom magnificent
Helped me leap in bounds
Because she parted me with some


The hands once strong
Would lay on my head to bless
With loving memories taken
As she steps beyond the veil
I sure would be proud I loved her back
.... the same

Let us take care of our aged and elderly, they deserve to be loved back, for so many years of sacrifice. They should not be shut away in some pitiful home, isolated from everything they hold dear.
In their later years, they deserve to be surrounded by love, family, and a sense of belonging.

They deserve our Love!!!

