
Congratulations @tahminasyed.

thank you so much man. But, it wasn't much. @dbooster is too kind.

congrats to the winners

Congrats to myself and to other winners. I will keep referring people to this community so we will have more participants..

Thanks for this wonderful opportunity

Another surprise! Thank you David @dbooster for making this and for including me. Congrats to everyone who is involved in this community, read you around! Regards.

Thank you so much for the recognition @dbooster. It means a lot.
Congrats @cesarj21, @davidbright, and @riverflows. I love all of your poems. They are just too good. Best of luck for the upcoming week.

Thanks so much dear... Yours was lovely too.. Keep up the good work. I hope to be like you someday.

That was too much of a compliment. I didn't submit any for the week mentioned over here. But, I am hoping to participate more. Best wishes for your next one.

The good work I was talking about was your comments though.. I enjoy reading them.. I would love to see your poem though...