At 27

in Blockchain Poetslast year

Photo by Eman Genatilan

At 27

Twenty years and I built this ocean,
Deep, dark blue and calm.
I stand here, willing
To pour twenty years more,
But the more I put,
The more I disturb the water,
And beneath, cannot rest the corpses.

One is seven, the other I do not know.
The seven thought she's filth and unacceptable,
So she drowned, cries unheard.
The other did not know
When she started drowning.
Was it when the tornado came,
Or was it on a radiant sunset?

How I wish the fish ate them,
Never to be seen nor remembered.
Oh, how I wish they never drowned,
So I never have to deal with corpses
Polluting my water.
I wish I could take them by the hand,
And plead for Poseidon’s breath.

I'm afraid I can't hide them anymore,
So I gaze into the water to check
If something's coming up to the surface,
But I see no corpse,
Only a face not ready to drown at twenty-seven.


Hi! Your poem is deep and thought-provoking.
This paints a vivid picture of the struggles and emotions that come with the passage of time.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you! May we come out victorious against whatever emotional struggle we have throughout our lifetime.

I feel lost in your poem.
It feels like someone investment yielding wastage.
Like a lost hope, ready to give up.
Though it still feel there will be a positive change to keep alive.

Nice one dear.

Thank you very much. Hope surely is one of the most precious things we have to keep.

That's true.
It keeps one alive and going.

You are welcome.

Solid 👏

And courageous.

Emily Dickenson is one of my favourite poets. She's shadowy and beautiful, like you <3

Wow. I don't even know what to say. I mean, I'm just trying not to write bad poems, but to be told I'm like Emily Dickinson is waaay unbelievable. I appreciate it very much though. Thank you! Makes me wanna read Emily more and learn more!

Just keep swimming writing! :D ❤️


Much Madness is divinest Sense - (620)

Much Madness is divinest Sense -
To a discerning Eye -
Much Sense - the starkest Madness -
’Tis the Majority
In this, as all, prevail -
Assent - and you are sane -
Demur - you’re straightway dangerous -
And handled with a Chain -

Original source