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RE: Stay Away

I remember when I was a kid, my father insisted that I didn't stick my fingers in a white thing on the wall, but ‘curiosity killed the cat’, alone, I stuck a fork in and got an electric shock. Human beings are curious by nature, they tell us don't touch that because you'll get burnt and of course we're going to touch it.

Now, as an adult, I pass that knowledge on to Matthew and he seems to be more obedient than I was at his age.

Getting away from toxic people is an absolute necessity. Nowadays, I know who to let across borders and who not to let across borders, that comes with age and experience.


Weirdly, I like getting electrocuted. I was accidentally electrocuted when I was eight or so, and ever since I quite like the "buzz" :D

Now, as an adult, I pass that knowledge on to Matthew and he seems to be more obedient than I was at his age.

Is obedience a good thing? Sure, it keeps kids safe a lot of the time, but what are the costs of only doing what is told? Is there a loss of adventure and creativity across populations?

Our generation was more daring, you could say ‘rebellious’.