in Blockchain Poets10 months ago

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I was nice until I was nice no more.
The thin line between pretty and ugly is severed,
I’m oozing out elements underneath my shell.

Once, I could swim through the waves and take the splash on my face.
Once, I could let the caress of the ocean sweep me off my feet,
taking away the very foundation that gives me balance.

I didn’t snap, I woke up!
Now I ride storm and walk on the embers of the fire.
The fire that started as a spark is blazingly fierce now.

I am not fazed, no more.
I do not cower, no more.
I do not swerve, I go through.
The viper in me shed off the old skins.
I didn’t snap, I woke up,

''What doesn’t kill you they say, makes you stronger.''


Blockchain poets from trending posts on hive and decided to take a peek. I did, got intrigued and joined the community today. I hope to explore, learn and contribute to the growth of this community. I am excited to be here.Hi lovelies, I am @adjapomah-i, I saw


Your poem is simple, and expresses a resilient mind!You are welcome @adjapomah-i

I like your connection with the elements of the ocean, waves, and fire.

The onomatopoeia "Bang" further stresses the strength that the resilient mind has built.

I like it, well done.

The life is the one that shapes people, sometimes those experiences are hard and mark, a good poem.