There are a lot of things society expects of men, some you might say are unrealistic. At least some expectations of men around here are. Let’s talk about some of these things.
Men are expected to always be strong and keep their emotions bottled up. I get that men are supposed to be strong and all, but what happens when a man is at his weakest, his most vulnerable and torn down to shreds? Well he just bottles things up and keep piling unresolved emotions until he explodes. This definitely is not the best. When something happens to men and they cry, you hear statements like “Don’t be such a pussy” or “you’re being such a drama-queen”.
The issue has become so bad we can’t even talk about our emotions. And the worst part is that, people consider this so normal that even men call you a pussy for expressing basic human emotion. You can not open up to your friends. You’re going through a hard time, hurt inside. Financial problems? Can’t tell nobody.
Talking about financial problems, this is one aspect that expectation from men are unrealistic around these parts. Look, nobody is saying a man isn’t supposed to be responsible and take care of his woman, but men around here that aren’t supposed to be performing husband responsibilities are considered lame or “broke” for dating women and not doing certain things and paying certain bills.
This is a cry out for help from society to cut us some slack and give us room to breath. We’re men, not angels. Let us be men and let us be human too with vulnerabilities and feelings like everyone else.
Truth is, the society excepts too much from men.
Men are humans too, not beings with super powers
Exactly. We need to allowed to be human. There is so much we have been forced to bury, and on days that you can’t take it anymore is where some men break down or even if serious enough, result to suicide.😞