Crime and Punishment

in Freewriters4 months ago

Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky says:
In the novel Crime and Punishment:

All those who loved me and I loved them
I was always the one who loved them the most

I mean that, despite my weak ability to express
But I offer honest things
Maybe they won't know its value until after the end of our relationship!

They are great at first like everyone else
They are all great in the beginning:

Honesty, good responses, and passion; As for me, I was always looking for what came after this step

Only beginnings are great in everything, but time cools their feelings

Time reveals that they approached me out of curiosity
Or just bouts of need
So they stumbled upon me to make up for the gaps
That they feel!

Never once did I find someone changed for me
And whoever tried and sacrificed to stay by my side.