An emotional roller coaster

in Freewriters2 years ago

Accept Your Emotions,
If Not, You Will Keep Going In The Motions

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How beautiful it is, the thought of it keeps my heart throbbing with joy, and embracing it scares me the most, is it worth it?
My broken soul constantly wondered.
Love is just a feeling, it will come and go.
I constantly make myself believe, but I'd rather put this piece out
in line with my hidden fantasy.

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Live and Love
Love is magical, I have seen it build something magical out of unimaginable disaster and love is dangerous I have seen it create monsters out of angels

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So one day when you finally fall in love, when you finally see the one who causes a twirl in your stomach, one who you are willing to go to a certain length for, someone you just don't want to leave your sight, one who means the world to you, that one who complements you, love your flaws, and causes your head to swell from time to time with honeyed words.
Be careful that you do not lose hold of yourself in the process, Be cautious not to lose sight of the part of you that allows you to live and grow independently

since love may be both a delicate lily and a sharp cactus that pierces the very fabric of life, making us question the beauty of nature, even the hollow silence that comes with the dark


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For someone who has experienced the crushing sensation that comes with heartbreak and one who has listened attentively to the sizzle cry of a pierced heart, the frustrated moans of a lover who must lose trust in love, and the tinkering sounds of a broken soul.
For someone who has closely watched the sun slowly going for a rest and the moon coming to take its place, turning day to night and gracing the space with the beauty of the twinkling stars, For someone who has hidden her tears, pretending to be watching the moon dance its way back, seen warm smiles grow cold and sweethearts turn foe.

This is my advice

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When you are in love, be in love.
Allow nothing else to count. Make time tick to a stop and days are still like nights. Capture each memory, so they'd last in your memory
Savor every moment with your partner in it.
Live in that moment for no man knows what comes next
Let simple moments mean everything to you.
Feel the thrill and allow your stomach to start to flutter.
Breathe deeply every two seconds to maintain the freshness your spouse gives. And if, if everything continues to go without a hitch until the last breath of life is taken... congrats. You never lost…...

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But, if there's a clench somewhere and a patch too severe to mend. Be sure to keep your head above water in case there is a break in the "Amour" transference and something stops making sense and this love ceases to be genuine eventually, usually in the middle.
Pick up the shards of your broken heart and build a tunnel where you may shine; feel certain that, just like the first time, love will find you. **Possibly even stronger and more genuine this time around.
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We cope with life's most painful experiences in this way because we never truly discover love. No! Love does find us, so be willing to let the hurts of the past go away when the moment is right when this pain starts to relax its grip and the world decides it's right to send you a new smile. Because life is too short to spend it dwelling in the last checkpoint, be willing to make this new emotion linger. I hope this helps you in some way…

*Love is a mystery, discover yours.*


Beautifully written and well said.
Love heals the soul and amends the heart.

Certainly 💟

I admire how you were honest in your writing.

Thank you😇
Writing is the one place I can fully express my thought with no judgment
My pen won't condemn me, lol

I can only express what you feel.