Strong Smell

in Freewriters3 months ago (edited)


I wonder if it's great if you can't smell very well. Does it influence the kind of food you eat or can't you tell?
My smell is good unlike my children and I wonder how come. So if there's gas leaking, the cat pooped in the living or there's another unfamiliar smell I walk around and follow my nose till I figure out what it is.
Those smells people use to... I am not sure what exactly they are in many cases overwhelming. Overwhelming as in an unpleasant way. It even is if I walk a few meters behind a person outside. A bit too frequently it also causes allergies and irritates my eyes or I start to sneeze. If it comes to this I turn out to be by far not the only person. This year I sniffed at different smells in a shop about twice per year. I find it hard to believe those who sell it all have a great nose. If that would be the case working there would be too overwhelming. The worst of the mix of smells is that it doesn't cover the odor of the body and the main smell is "alcohol" that will vaporize very soon and once it did there's not much left of the "great" smell people believe they smell. A good shaped bottle, the name and a colour easily fools the brain of the customer.
Before you start spraying and watering yourself this season ask someone how you smell for real.
You can improve your smell in several ways which might be good and can even safe your life.

The title is the prompt and provided by @daily.prompt