Interview with the Devil's mother

in Freewriters2 months ago

I thought I would take a look at the 'Interview with the devil' that I had been pointed out to. It seems familiar to me and is no longer available on YouTube. Do you know that too? You look for one thing and end up with subjects that you are not interested in. In this case a long series of videos with interviews with the devil and I can't help but think that everyone who has made such a video is trying to piggyback on the success of this film. So I scrolled through the list and read a few comments that I personally find nauseating and then ended up with the mother of the rapist and murderer of Anne Faber. I did listen to most of the interview by the EO (Evangelical Broadcasting). The first thing that struck me is that the mother keeps talking about "the murder" and the same goes for the interviewer but what about the fact that the murderer is a rapist and was tried for the same thing years ago. So we are talking about a rapist whose mother says she knows her son well. Hello Madam, if what your son did is a complete surprise to you, then you do not know your son, let alone well. It is indeed terrible that family is being blamed for the act of a criminal, but I cannot help but wonder why the parents did not intervene sooner. Perhaps it is something of the Dutch government that rapists are allowed to continue walking around happily, because even today, seven years later, this is still the case. You get a heavier punishment if your child does not go to school for a day than if a gang rape takes place or a confused man takes it out on him.

When it comes to confused, I also wonder why this excuse is never used for women who commit a crime.

According to the mother (who has forgiven her son for the burden he has caused the family), it is not possible to just stop loving your child. Perhaps she is lucky because of her faith, but I know that I cannot.

The interviewer asks the mother of this devil: What is forgiveness?

Her answer is that she accepts what happened and can (learn to) live with it.



These are issues that I find very nauseating. You understand? If somebody makes another person go through the gruesomely act of rape and then murder, honestly, Idk, because the mother of the murderer and the rapist is looking at it from her own angle. Then what of the perspective of the mother of the murdered and the raped. It's really nauseating. And I think that for this thing that happens, justice should be served, no matter what. And that is why we are always advised to try and help bring up our children in the proper way. Because when you do that, you won't have to be put through that kind of shame and disgrace, or make someone else go through the pain of such a loss.

I have mixed feelings about this. I would like to know where it went wrong and how come a young boy who was raped walked around and repeated the same behaviour. Was there no shrink or some test?

The mother does say she feels for the parents/family of the victim but she and her daughter have a very hard time. No idea if father hit the road or died? Should the sister be treated like a piece if dirt because of what her brother did? What about uncles, aunts, grandparents, and grandchildren? How can they all be blamed?
The mother started a group for families of rapusts/murders and I wonder what kind of people join. Most likely the decent ones who never knew.