A bad estimate is good business
It surprises me how easily we let ourselves get fooled or believe the "expertise" of someone based on... The vet for example ready to give the cat a final shot, had the former one who said he could safe the dog and killed it. Vets are not the best examples and neither are doctors or mediators. And what to think about all those who we pay for their services while we still pull the short stick out of a bunch of long ones (advocates for example. It must be great to get paid for doing and achieving nothing and lying while you send bill after bill).
Lack of trust you might say? I rather call it life experiences and have seeing too many bad outcomes due to a bad estimate (weird word). I should not write about it anyway since it's bad for my mood how easily the entire world is fooled but even worse forgets what happened. If that wouldn't be the case all the misery and lies wouldn't flood us and we could improve our lives. For sure those who calculated this, fed the computer with false data laugh if they see how easily it is to make people panick
Don't forget to buy toilet paper, flour and to pack your suitcase for the trip to Mars where we soon enough will be locked up because our presents will kill Mars'athmosphere just like the temp on earth will go up (0.5 degrees Celsius in a few decades) if we don't act now (a computer calculation said so, so this is the truth and nothing than the truth).
The title is the prompt and provided by @daily.prompt