The Book of Eibon

in Freewriters3 years ago

Isabella von Krauss sits in her office. She looks across the way where the ugly scar in the side of the Willis Tower mars the surface. The building had been evacuated for the better part of a week since the bomb went off in fear of the structural integrety of the building as a whole. Isabella just shrugs. If the building comes down, it comes down. The other leaders in the Red Thirst that were newly promoted from the deaths of their former leaders all fell in line under Isabella’s command and that’s what mattered in the end.

Isabella von Krauss: Jackalope. You’re from another universe? I would call you on your bullshit, but after seeing what I have seen in recent weeks in my undertaking to use the von Krauss name…I can’t really say that you’re lying to me.

Isabella looks at her schedule on her computer. She meets up with an insurance adjuster once Willis Tower is deemed safe to determine what kind of damage was done to her office space over there. She’s probably looking at a total loss and a number of terrorist groups claimed to have bombed the building, making her role in this safe and sound.

Isabella von Krauss: It makes me wonder what you were running from that is so bad. What could make the world burn, hmm? What would make you so afraid that you could not face it and instead ran to another whole universe and let your home die. I would call it cowardice if I knew the scope of what it is that you were afraid of. I think I might want to find out.

There is a buzzing from the phone system and Isabella presses a button. Her secretary, Jasmine, is on the phone.

Jasmine: Your…twins…are here for you. They have what you are looking for, or so they say.

Isabella von Krauss: Send them in, Jasmine. Thank you.

Hohoho and Humhumhum walk into the room. For the record, they look nothing alike excepting for the fact that they are both tall and scrawny. They are in matching red overalls and generally both look like that dirty Uncle. Hohoho sets an ancient book onto the table with a look of pride.

Hohoho: I, we, got you the Book of Eibon. The museum man said that this is the the Kishite version.

Humhumhum: Wasn’t I supposed to finish that sentence? Don’t steal my thunder, Ho.

Hohoho: Don’t call me a Ho. It’s Hohoho like what Santy Claus fucking says.

Isabella waves them off.

Isabella von Krauss: Fucking fight on your own time. So this is the Book of Eibon is a grimoire penned by the magician Eibon of Mhu-Thulan. With this, I might be able to ascertain what universe Jackalope comes from. I’m sure I will need a dna sample for the spell to track down his dimensional signature.

Hohoho: Wow, boss. You-

Humhumhum: Sure are smart.

Isabella von Krauss: I know. It might be worth my time to contact what Jackalope was running from and form an alliance. If only to fuck with his head. Let’s see what spells we have here.

Isabella opens the delicate book, ot even daring to breathe on the pages for fear that they might crumble into dust. She flips through a few pages before she blinks in some confusion.

Isabella von Krauss: What fucking language is this, you dimwits? I can’t read this!

The twins look uncomfortable as Isabella gazes at them with angry eyes.

Hohoho: I think the language-

Humhumhum: Is Hyperborean. The language of Eibon the Magician.

Isabella von Krauss: Who the fuck speaks Hyperfuckingborean?

Technically…her adopted parents can, but she don’t know that.

Hohoho: I have no idea.

Humhumhum: We’re so sorry, boss.

Isabella von Krauss: A printed version came out in the 30’s boys and is in Latin. I can translate latin. I don’t think there’s a soul alive who can read hyperborean.

Hohoho: You want us to take the book back?

Humhumhum: We can do that if you like.

Isabella closes the book and puts it into a drawer in her desk.

Isabella von Krauss: Slip the museum an anonymous note that says they can have the original penned book back in exchange for a printed copy.

Hohoho and Humhumhum: Yes, boss.

The not-twins take their leave of Isabella, who leans back in her chair.

Isabella von Krauss: Just a minor setback, Jackalope. When we face each other in the ring, I will get a DNA sample from you and find your home. I will discover what you are running from.