Chaos Destiny Magazine: the Pitch

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

I’ve been looking around the internet to try to publish my stories and I wondered to myself. Is there even really many places that would take your stories, Vastrix? Well, I mean there are several sci fi and fantasy magazine, some horror magazines, and what not. However, not very magazines with action-adventure stories. I found one that isn’t taking submissions now.

And if I am looking for a medium by which to publish my stories? Why not bring other writers and artists with me? A place for non-wrestling stories to be told and we can all make a buck or two. Yeah, I’ll have to do some budgeting to see what I have in “efed money” and what I can spend per issue to see what authors and artists would make. It likely won’t be much at first until I can nail down some subscriptions.

Right now I am thinking of a quarterly magazine that takes action-adventure, scifi, fantasy, and horror stories. Nothing too graphic and nothing too big (I’m thinking of keeping the initial outing under 108 pages for costs and in black and white, but I will have to see how much that gets me.)

Anyway, a physical magazine to hold in your hands with the print on demand services offered by Amazon. I call it “Chaos Destiny Magazine”.

You want in? Email me at or find me on Facebook. My name is Allen Vastrix Anderson so I’m pretty easy to find.



What makes you say that it’s a scam?