A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

in Freewriters4 months ago (edited)

What do you see?

I see a mystical bookstore - ENIGMA BOOKSTORE
I see witches and occult people who patronize the Enigma Bookstore to purchase materials for their mystics activities.
I see a demonic dragon arising from the ground with great dust following it ascend
I see that the time where they are doing their activities is in the midnight when ordinary humans are not present.

What do you feel

It is the middle of the night when witchcraft and mystics activities are carried out. The demonic dragon usually are at such times to boost the powers of the witches and wizards.

The Story - A Night Of Horror

Sondu was such a nasty person. He would not fear what others fear nor be cautious with what others are cautious about. The whole neighborhood noted him for his stubborn, unsubmissive attitude. He could go anywhere at any time without minding what evil could befall him. Since his coming into the city of Kabula, he had refused to take precautions against all that his elderly aunty had told him about the unseen spiritual powers governing the city.

The city of Kabula was known for the presence of heavy occult and mystical practices that was dominant in it. Witchcraft was a common practice among the natives of Kabula. The dominant practice of mystics and witchcraft made them to have an occultic center called Enigma Bookstore. One would think that it was just an ordinary bookshop but the inhabitants of Kabula knew that ordinary people don't go into the bookstore.

The last time a visitor stepped into the bookstore, he was vomiting blood till death. Anyone who makes an attempt to enter the Enigma Bookstore without possessing some spiritual powers usually has one evil experience or the other. A young lady who came to the city for some academic research work turned mad when she ignored all advice and entered Enigma Bookstore to check out what was in store. She was just opening one of the books on the shelves when smokes started coming out of her head and she went insane. Her sanity couldn't be restored ever since.

On that fateful day, Sondu was warned by his aunt that nobody goes out to the street on that day from the hour of 8.00 pm in the evening. That day was popularly known as the day witchcraft and occult people have their meeting with the demonic dragon in the Enigma Bookstore. Anyone who attempts to go out could come home with terrible infirmities, if not ultimately death.

Sondu refused to heed his aunt’s warning. He went out about 10.00pm in the night to get himself some drinks. He didn't know that all the sellers had closed their shops to go home because of the occultic meeting and the dangerous demonic dragon that was about to hold that midnight. The witches and wizards, together with other occult people from the neighboring villages and cities had come to prepare themselves for their gathering.

When Sondu was returning he saw the street full of men whose appearances were so horrible to behold. Sondu hasn't experienced it before. He has only spent about two months in the city of Kabula. The incident usually occurs quarterly yearly.

That night was a real horror to Sondu. The street was full of men and women in their dreadful long black suits. Fear covered Sondu. He couldn't find his way home. The horror of the sight of the huge dragon almost sapped life out of him. Sondu fainted and became like a dead man.

One of the witches who knew Sondu covered him with a huge veil. That veil was usually used by the occult people to preserve anyone very dear to them from the wrath of the deadly dragon which might cause them death. The horror that Sondu witnessed that night made him sleep on the roadside till day break. Sondu was delivered from death that night by that witch which he couldn't recognize because they usually hide their identity.

After that incident, Sondu had a change of attitude which instilled caution and humility into his life.

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