I'm ready.
I'm ready to watch the world's economies collapse.
I'm ready to watch infrastructure crumble.
I'm ready to be plunged into darkness during the height of winter.
I'm ready to be kicked out into the cold because Vanguard or Black Rock bought my rental property.
I'm ready to not have fuel for my vehicle.
I'm ready to have violence in the street.
I'm ready to endure famine.
I'm ready for state sponsored police brutality.
I'm ready for governments to ban private gardens.
I'm ready for governments to ban all weapons or anything that could be construed as a weapon.
I'm ready for governments to ban hunting and trapping for food.
I'm ready for governments to ban fishing.
We've been promised all this and more by Dr. Evil and the WEF.
"You'll own nothing and be happy."
Yeah. I think we're all ready for that.
I am NOT ready, and I will not comply.
That's the whole point. Thanks for reading.